Friendship, Butterflies, & Crushing

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It has been a few months since you and Lia became friends... close friends.

You were in the library with her, practicing your English.

Lia: Okay, guess what I'm saying in Korean. You're so handsome.

Suddenly, you start to blush.

You: Y-You're saying I-I'm so h-handsome?

Lia: Correct! You've been handsome ever since we met!

You blush even more.

Lia: Aww, are you blushing?

You quickly hide your face with your hands.

Lia: My handsome knight in shining armor~!

You: H-Hajima~!

You remove your hands, revealing your face all red.

Lia: Who knew you looked cute while blushing?


Lia: Oh, it's time for class.

You pack your stuff up. After you swing your backpack over your shoulder, Lia grabs your hand, leading you out.

Lia: We can't be late!


Ms. Stone: ...As you know, next week is winter break.

Students: WOO!

Shawn: Are we going to-

Everybody quickly turns to him, glaring.

Ben: Finish that sentence, boi, or else...

Ms. Stone: What were you going to say, Shawn?

Shawn finds his classmates still glaring at him.

Shawn: Uhh... never mind.


Ms. Stone: Have a safe winter break and New Year!

You and Lia walk out of class, holding hands.

Lia: So, any plans?

You: My cousin said we and his parents are flying to Korea a few days before Christmas to see my parents.

Lia: Ooh, same! Hopefully, we'll see each other there.

You: Well, if you live near [neighborhood name], then-

Lia: Oh my god, I live there!

Your eyes go wide.

You: I feel like we're soulmates or something.

Beep... Beep...

You turn your head to see James and his mom.

James: Alex, let's go!

You: Wait!

You turn back to Lia.

You: Is your aunt here yet? I'll wait with you until she gets here.

Lia: I appreciate it, but she's right there.

You follow Lia's gaze at a vehicle four cars behind.

You: Well then, I'll see you in Korea, Jisu noona.

Lia smiles at you.

Lia: See you in Korea, Jeongmin-ah.

You and Lia head separate ways, hands slipping from each other.

When they head inside their respective vehicles, the drivers turn their heads.

LA/A (Lia's Aunt) & JM/M: So, who was that person you were talking to?

You and Lia start to feel butterflies, smiling as they say...

LA & AE: My crush.

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