- Epilogue: Finale -

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Hey everyone.. I split the last chapter of this into two because I realized this one didn't have an epilogue. If you've already read it, don't reread it because it's the same thing (unless you like it that much). Also, just FYI the final book is out now!

- Epilogue: Finale -


I watched as Eran's now limp body fell to rest next to Riley. She looked at him, eyes dizzy and bleek, before they shut.

Is he dead? Willow whispered through our thoughts.

He is now, I replied, glancing at Riley's blood covered muzzle. It was hard to see, being that the blood and her fur were black, but the moonlight reflecting off of it was unmistakable.

What did he mean 'just like her mother'?, Nick said in a puzzled voice, sitting back on his haunches.

We'll never know, I said. I took the scruff of Riley's neck in my mouth and began dragging her along the ground, Now come on.

Nick and David helped me drag Riley's body until we got to the other end of the corn. We sat in the edge of the woods, panting for breath, when yet another chorus of panther cries errupted. This time, however, it was a cry of sadness and greif. Wave after wave of cries breached the fog that had formed.

Sounds like they've found the body, Nick said with a dark chuckle.

Just then clouds rolled in with a gust of wind and it began to drizzle. A clap of thunder in the distance announced that a storm was coming.

The wind howled and I said, Come on. There's no doubt in my mind that weather affinities have something to do with this. We need shelter.

Walking through the woods with Riley's body proved to be more than difficult. On every twig one of her legs would catch and it would snap back and the mud was ruining her silky black coat. Her belly still bled from Eran's blow but not as badly. It would take a long time to mend and would probably leave a wicked scare due to the fact that a Head had made the gash. Soon enough we came upon a small cave hidden under rocks. Nick left to find food and returned with a mouthful of hares.

Save one for Riley, I told them.

I surveyed over my leap members and asked, Where's Sam?

Nick and David both shrugged their panther shoulders and tore into their rabbits.

I got up and left the den we had made and walked into the now pouring rain. In the distance I saw a short figure walking away.

I ran after the figure and once I had caught up with it I recognized Sam.

He sat back on his haunches and said, I'm leaving.

Why? I asked, curious.

I want a new beginning. A fresh start, he replied.

You got that when Riley changed you, I said.

She changed me by force. That doesn't count, Sam said, shame tainting his voice.

Where will you go? I asked.

Away, he replied.

The rain had slowed now and the clouds moved to reveal a starry, moonless night.

Will you ever come back? I asked him, looking up at the night sky. It reminded me of Riley's fur, black with dark blue mixed in.

Maybe. Maybe not, Sam said, I wish you and Riley all the best.

With those words, Sam leapt through the trees and blended with the night.

I sat back on my haunches and looked up at the stars. Like millions of diamonds in the sky.

I muttered, So do I, and turned to walk back to our cave and to a destiny unknown.

The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Book One) (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now