ACADEMY DAYS -14(Farewell gift )

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Albert sat in his new bedroom.He is no longer permitted to remain in the special chamber due to a change in the position he holds.Albert like it since it allows him to be away from Noah.He wants to do nothing with that psychopath.Just peering out the window, knowing that this is the night Francis will be taken to Northern country.He is not permitted to meet him for for the last time.

"Fucking old men,haaa........"Right now, he can only curse them,the head master of the Academy and his noble followers.He glances up at the moon, which is solely lighting in the dark sky.

The sound of a thud can be heard in the entirely calm room.

Someone is throwing a rock at the window.

Albert gets up from the window quickly and notices the person who keeps throwing up his window.

"Benjamin?" exclaims Albert.

"Shuuuuu, open the window," Benjamin murmured quietly, afraid that someone would catch him.

Albert nodded and flung open the window, allowing Benjamin to enter.

Benjamin hurriedly climbed to the second storey of the building.

Albert can see how badly hurt he is when he comes.He had no idea when he looked down because it was so dark.

Benjamin was dressed in a tight suit that showed off his well-trained muscles.His gorgeous face is wounded.Albert understands who is responsible for this.

"Benjamin, Noah did it, isn't that right?" Albert asked firmly.

"Yes, he is.He really wants me to die.But he looks down on me a little.You know I have nine lives, just like a cat.Even though I've now lost one."Hahaha..." he laughed.

"It's not funny.You're almost dead.For fuck's sake.Noah is after you.If you're not careful."You'll end up like those people!" Albert shouted, clutching Benjamin's collar.
'How can this motherfucker even make a joke in this situation.

"You could have die, you know," Albert remarked, his voice quivering and his eyes filled with panic.

He does not want another person to die as because of him.

"Well,well."Birdy, are you worried about me?" Benjamin asked softly.He was relieved that Albert, who was normally cold to him, was concerned about him.

"Don't be worried, it was just scratches."But I think it'll be fine if you kiss me," a naughty Benjamin added, angered Albert.Albert punched the boy who tried to kiss him on the lips in the stomach with no force.Despite the fact that he was worried sick, this mother fucker is having fun.

"Oh, it stung.birdy."This place was injured, you know," Benjamin joked, despite the fact that it was really hurting like hell.
"Fuck you, can't you just be serious for a second?"Albert said.

Benjamin's expression became serious.

"I'm deeply sorry.Birdy.I am unable to support you while you are in court.Because of the injuries, I've been unconscious for a while.When I awoke, I learned that the trial had already ended."I'm sorry I can't be with you," Benjamin expressed regret.

Benjamin's words had hurt Albert.

'Even though you were almost die because of me, you were still concerned about me.Benjamin Fetis.'How can you be that stupid?'

"Idiot, why do you keep doing this to me?""Being with me only causes you difficulties," Albert sighed.

"I know.Because I just want to."There is no reason."Benjamin smiles genuinely.

"But I don't mind if you feel bad and repay me by having sex with me," Benjamin added.

'How am I going to deal with this idiot?'

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