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Hours later

A light shined in front of Yebin's face. She blinked to see her mother, father and Yooin in front of her.

They were calling out to her but their voices were so faint that she couldn't here them. She tried to get up but she was too tired.

She blinked a few times before passing out on the grass.

Minutes later

She blinked to see that she was in a hospital room with wires and bags connected to her.

She turned to see her mother on the side. Her father on the sofa and Yooin sleeping peacefully at the end of her bed.

She tried to call out to them but she was still tired so she decided to sleep again in hopes to be able to talk.

Monday morning

Yebin opened her eyes, her mother was talking to her about some stuff when she stopped.

Her eyes glistened at the sight of their daughter being awake. She went to get her husband who was sound asleep on the sofa.

" Yebin, are you okay? "

" Water... "

" Oh, okay "

Mrs. Kim took a cup, rinsed it and poured some water before giving it to her daughter.

" Are you okay? Anything else? "

Yebin shook her head and handed the cup back to her mother. She looked around as if she was looking for someone.

" Are you looking for Yooin? She's at work but she'll come later during lunch "

" I see. What about Donghyun oppa? The kids? "

Mrs. Kim looked over to her husband. Mr. Kim sat beside his daughter and took her hand.

" They didn't come. I'm sorry "

Yebin just smiled sadly as a tear flowed from her eyes. Mr. Kim excused himself to use the toilet and left.

" Hello, Donghyun "

" Hello, father? How are you? "

" I'm okay. I'm at the hospital now "

" Are you okay? "

" I'm fine. Yebin was admitted here yesterday "

" Yebin? What's wrong with her? "

" She came in here sick and the doctor told us that she has an illness and may not live long "

" What? But there's a cure, right? There has to be. Daehyeon has been asking to see his mommy "

" Maybe I can pick him up today and bring him here "

" Really? You would do that? Thank you, father "

" Of course. Anything for my grandson "

Hours later

The hospital door slid aside as a happy and cheerful boy walked into the room.

" Mommy! "

" Dae? What are you doing here? "

" Grandpa picked me up today and brought me here to see you! "

" Really? Does daddy know? "

" Yeah, hyung and noona will come too! "

Upon hearing that, she pulled her son into a hug. It was new for Daehyeon because his mother only hugged him when he wanted it.

Since Yebin wasn't much a skinship kind of person, she feels uncomfortable but because it's her son, she would like to get over it.

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