CH.9: A robot's Revenge

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Back at the sewers the four friends were preparing for bed once they went to bed they were all having sweet dreams except for Rodney flashback when he was 12 years old he was at a field trip with his class and parents once the bus arrived at the destination the kids excitedly climbed down the bus

Dad: hey son don't go too far

Young Rodney: I know Dad

Well the other kids were at a group he went into a River to feel the water the water was cold today meanwhile he waved that someone suddenly he slept and fell into the river the river was sweeping him away

Mom: Rodney!!!

Dad: hang on there son!!!

His parents were running after him so were the kids and teacher

Teacher: someone please call the forest protectors!!!

Rodney then begin the sink to the bottom and suddenly he blacked out due to low oxygen. End of flashback Rodney woke up with hard sweats on him he realized that he had a nightmare then all the sudden he heard death's whistle. feeling scared he decided to go back to sleep and forget about the nightmare

The next day the news reporter was reporting a special story to the audience

News reporter: once again, the Silencers tried to hijack yet another concert.

Even the cute and bubbly sayu was not prepared for what their planned is for total dominance. We managed to get a hold of her new employee Piper who has claimed to have joined yesterday

Microphone guy: Miss Piper pinwheeler what makes you think that you can join sayu's team?

Piper: wait, are you guys from the news? Am I on TV right now? Wow, I-AM-ON-TV! HI

All the sudden Tatiana punch the TV out of anger

Bennett: great, you owe her TV,

Tatiana: I don't even know why she put her TV in my office in the first place! Anyway, we need to fix this right now. I need some information about these robots that keep on appearing out of nowhere

Bennett: oh un I'm afraid there is no way I mean I don't think they're from around here I think they could be from a different universe?

Bennett was panicking trying to not get himself in trouble Tatiana then notice something weird on Bennett's Behavior

Tatiana: Bennett is everything okay? You've been acting strange lately

Bennett: of course because I'm!!! fine I'm just sweating!

Tatiana: is there something that you're trying to hide from me? Do you know anything about these robots? Do you have something to do with this situation?

Bennett: I am so screwed

Meanwhile back at the sewers the four we're fully rested and ready for their next mission

Kliff: all right I see you all got some rest so I am ready to give you your next mission

Mayday: oh are we fighting against Bennett? The most famous pop star of vinyl City?

Zuke: yeah I heard he was an ex member of a band too

Kliff: exactly you see that it is the most incredible and talented robots you can ever imagine in pop town he is living the life of luxury and fame sneaking by pass him would be extremely difficult since he's the most talented robot ever he's even showing off his new necklace

Rodney: wait I think I know him

Kliff: you do?

Rodney: yes it's the same robot who destroyed my world! he is nothing but a selfish and greedy person! and that's my temperature gauge he's wearing!!!

robots/no straight roads: the legend of Melody breachWhere stories live. Discover now