Answer them

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(Emma's pov.)

Luke went out to visit his mom really early when I woke up he wasn't there I went to Niall but he was playing guitar and I went to Ashton and he was in the pool.

"Hey Ash!" I yelled as I got closer to the pool "hey what u doing here?" "Just checking on all u I guess" I giggled a little as i sat down putting my feet on the water.

"Come in, let's swim" "no not now" "but why?" "I don't even have a swim suite" "so? Come in" "no Ashton-" I couldn't finish cause ashton grabbed me and threw me inside the pool.

"Ashton!" We laughed, i got out of the water and walked inside but he ran back to me and threw me once again in the pool "Ashton Fletcher Irwin!" "Oh I'm so scared, u used my whole name" I got out of the water and ran inside and he tried to catch me the house was all wet "Ashton look all the mess u did u have to clean this up!" "Me!? We both did it" we laugh.

He did got to carry my but he threw me on the couch "u idiot!" He pinned me down "what sorry I didn't hear that" "ur such a idiot Irwin" I pushed him away and got up "I'm gonna take a shower since I'm all wet" "yeah u should I'll clean this all up" I smiled and went to take a shower.

*hour later*

I already finish taking a shower I was just playing video games with Michael "I win ha!" I celebrated and got up from the floor "I just let u win" "yeah sure u did, I win!" "Okay let's celebrate, let's order pizza!" "Okay!" We left his room and ordered pizza.

When it came Niall went off his room fast and Ashton got out of the shower and Luke came back in time.

*next day*

Luke wanted to go to the near park there was on the new house so I agreed, we went on the park and we sat on the ground he put his head on my lap and I played with his hair, "I like what u done with ur hair" I told him "yeah thanks" he smiled.

We then walked and saw some fans "wanna meet the fans?" Luke asked as he hold my hand and I nodded, we went to them and they were really cool fans just like the ones in the movies.

"We still miss Calum and we are sorry u guys went thru all of that but now I got a really interesting question" one of the fans said I smiled "go one" "so Luke, are u and Emma dating?" She asked as she looked down at out hands "well um I don't think we are dating" "are u two together but just don't go out to many places?" "Idk why don't u answer them" luke answered looking at me so I would answer that question.

"Uh well..." I looked at Luke cause I didn't know what to stay but I knew what Luke wanted me to say "okay then maybe I got a better way to ask that question" I smiled.

I looked at Luke and kissed him, he smiled thru the kiss and kissed me back I heard all the fans go 'awe!' I stopped and Looked back at the fans "well u girls are the first ones to know" I smiled, after a while we left and went back home.

All the boys were eating "hey were have u guys been?" Ashton said as he put our plates on the table and sat down to eat his food.

(Ashton's pov.)

They sat down "just went to a walk on the park and met some fans, u guys have the coolest fans" "yeah but Emma we have something more important to tell the guys" Luke said looking at her with a weird face, she looked like she remembered and said "me and Luke are back together!" I dropped my fork and everyone looked at me.

"U two are what?! I thought u two-" I stopped once I notice Michael's face it was like a 'stop being a idiot and keep it cool' "congratulations u two are back together"  after that I didn't say anything else I let them talked.

*next day*

(Emma's pov.)

Luke woke me up this morning he made breakfast for me and him and we went out we had a awesome time, I came home tired so I wanted to take a nap.

After my nap Luke woke me up "let's build the fort" "I'm tired Luke tomorrow" "it's just 8pm come on, btw Niall' s friend is coming" "what friend!?" "Niall's friend Harry?" "What!? No!" I ran away and went to Niall's room "u invited HARRY over!? U know I don't like him!" "Sorry?" "Damn it Niall!" I rolled my eyes and left.

"Come on Luke let's build the damn fort u want!" "Yey!" We build the fort and when I got in I saw a cat "uh Luke?" "Yeah?" "Why is there a cat in here?" "what?" "Damn it! Harry is here isn't he!" "Hello" I heard Harry's voice.

Harry is some guy I met he's really rude and he's my best friends best friends so that's something I have to deal with I guess.

I got out and saw Harry "why did u bring the cat!?" "Cause I want to?" "This is not ur house harry!" "Well get use to it I might be staying here for a while" "damn it! Niall!" "Sorry? He had no place to go so I told him he could stay here" "idiot!" I then turned around to talk to Harry again.

"There's something I been wanting to do ever since the last time" "what is that?" I slapped him "that's for kissing me" "well u didn't shut up I had to do that" "wait so this is Harry? U kissed my girl!?" "Luke gosh calm down it was a long time" "oh look Emma u got a boyfriend so u made a robot that's nice" "he's not a robot u idiot, HARRY this is Luke my boyfriend that is not a robot!, Luke this is....that" "well that has a name! I'm HARRY nice to meet u" "same goes to u" they shock hands.

*hour later*

Me and Harry stopped fighting finally and we watched a movie all together.

*two hours later*

Everyone fell asleep so I went to my room and closed my eyes when the door opened and then closed I sat up and it was luke.

"Luke?" "Hey" he smiled as he layed next to me "so I'm guessing ur staying here tonight?" I giggled "well if u want me to" "I wouldn't mind" we kissed and he pinned me down "whoa it's the first time u actually pinned me down" I giggled "nah I think I have before" "yeah I think so too" I giggled and he kissed me as I smiled and kissed him back.

"Now get out" I pushed him away and put my head on his chest "sleepy?" "Yup" "one more kiss?" "Luke I'm sleepy" "come on" "fine" I gave him a kiss and stopped fast "we could just keep going" he smiled "no not now" I giggled and kissed him one more time and then I put my head back on his chest again.

"Oh so u can have sex with Ashton but not with me then at least a longer kiss" I giggled "fine" that 'long kiss' turned into a make out, I felt his arms under my shirt "Luke!" I giggled and he stopped but he didn't move them away.

Little did u know Luke ended up shirtless, I stopped again "I'm sleepy I really want to go to sleep" "okay fine...ill do all the work" he pinned me down once again and smiled, he kissed me but again that 'kiss' turned into a make out and felt his hands under my shirt again but I didn't do anything I let him.

"Oooo it's getting hot in here so-" "HARRY GET OUT!" I pushed Luke away and got up and Harry ran away but I wasn't gonna let him get away....

I fell in love with my best friend //Luke hemmings//Where stories live. Discover now