Chapter Eight - Quidditch

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All good things must come to an end however and we were back at Hogwarts and in a riveting mood as the first match of the quidditch season was to take place this weekend.

We had been taking flying classes now with madame hootch but the twins and I were already quite good at it so we spent most of those classes goofing off and annoying the Slytherins to no end.

The majority of the team this year was seventh years so they would have five new openings next year in the chaser and beater positions. Angelina and Alecia talked about trying out next year for the chaser positions and I was obviously going to try out for the third chaser position. The twins were going to try out for beater.

Another thing I liked about being the daughter of a murderer was that everyone knew who I was so I could practically walk up to anyone I wanted to and skip the initial introduction. It works in my favor as I was able to put in the good word to Oliver Wood who would be the captain next year by default.

I found out that the Gryffindor team had been using fill ins for seeker since they couldn't find a permanent one for the team. It made sense because the current fill in was much older than oliver and would normally have been the captain if he was permanent.

Lee even talked to professor McGonagall about getting a commentator for next year and he got the job almost immediately. Our Quidditch dreams were coming to life right before our eyes.

We were currently walking through a courtyard to herbology where we would be tending to some random plant I could care less about. The twins were lagging behind whispering to each other when we got into the classroom so I kicked dirt at them to catch their attention. We had gotten better at not being late to every class but we were still the last ones to arrive.

"Everyone put your gloves on and begin pulling the leaves off your plant and lay them out to dry." Professor sprout instructed. We had this class with the Ravenclaws so naturally the Gryffindors were lacking in efficiency.

Fred and I were racing to pick all the leaves off our plant when professor sprout came over and reprimanded us for not being gentle with the plant.

"She tells us to be gentle while we rip the plant apart for educational purposes." I mumbled to Fred as I shook my head back and forth.

"Were killing the thing and she wants us to be careful." Fred added.

We complied and gently tore the plant apart laying the leaves on the tray to dry. By the time we were finished it was time to go to our next class so we made our way out of the greenhouse and up to  charms.

Charms turned out to be quite uneventful even for the rest of the week. There was so much buzz about the Quidditch season and match that the entire schools focus had been lost including professor McGonagall who was our last class of the week.

Lee strategically brought up Quidditch in the class discussion before starting and weened off the first thirty minutes of class because professor McGonagall was calculating odds of Gryffindor getting the cup this year.

The twins, Alecia and Angelina and I were also active in the conversation and we had an avid and entertaining conversation about the team before professor McGonagall remembered the rest of the class was also here.

When class was over McGonagall held the six of us after class to finish our discussion. About an hour of speculating later we were sent off to supper as professor McGonagall had to get their herself.

Normally we would have to stand in the student box to watch the match but professor McGonagall had invited us to stand in the staff box so we could discuss the match as it went. We never knew McGonagall was such a Quidditch nerd but we were too so we weren't complaining.

Summers at The Burrow - Fred Weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن