Chapter Thirty-four - The Match Gone Wrong

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the first match of the season arrived faster than we expected but luckily the Gryffindor quidditch team was better than ever. starting practices on the first day of school really paid off even if i goofed off fifty percent of the time. the twins goofed off more than i did during practice and we still managed to master at least three new skills for the upcoming season.

one of the skills i had mastered was the sloth grip roll since Oliver wanted me to get hit with the Bludger less. unfortunately the method of learning he decided to use was to not tell me that he told the twins to hit Bludgers at me. i had gotten so fed up with it one day that i just flipped upside down on my broom and hung there holding tightly with my hands and feet. it wasn't difficult to master until there became less and less of a warning.

the girls and i had also mastered the reverse pass which was when a chaser throws the Quaffle over one's shoulder and then a teammate catches. it. we practiced that one a lot since Slytherin liked ramming into us to get the Quaffle instead of intercepting a pass like a normal person.

the last skill we had time to work on was the Polskoff Ploy. this move was tricky since you had to have a lot of good communication. its a fast and risky move especially when you have Marcus Flint as one of your opposing players but you fly upwards quickly to attempt to escape the other chasers then you drop the Quaffle to a teammate below who catches it and flies off. i took more tumbles from the rest of us so i usually volunteered to be snake bait but we had all mastered both skills from all angles and positions. 

"as long as there's no cobbing we'll dominate." Oliver said as we walked together to the locker room to put our equipment on.

"honestly, if Slytherin didn't cobb the whole game I'd go up and ask if they're feeling all right." i said under my breath.

"Exactly. and that's why we've been training so hard." Oliver continued and we all knew if he kept going he'd start giving a speech.

"Chloe's learned how to not get flogged anymore so i think we'll be fine." Angelina said making fun of me.

"i hardly get flogged." i defended.

"oh yeah, you just like to call it a nudge off your broom don't you." Alicia joined in.

"seems more like a punch off your broom." said Angelina.

"i feel like your insulting our ability to protect our favorite chaser." Fred intervened coming to my rescue.

"she's your favorite chaser, mate. not mine." said George before he ran away to protect himself.

"we've gotten loads better." Fred reassured.

"less chatter more changing." Oliver called as we entered the locker room.

"your going to realize in about a second how dirty that sounded." i said trying to hold in my laughter as i watched the twins double over with silent laughs at what Oliver had said.

"save that one for the bedroom, mate." George said in between futile gasps of air.


"-saggy left butt cheek?" i finished for him.

"you know what," Oliver began after pausing to stifle a chuckle, "MERLIN'S SAGGY LEFT BUTT CHEEK!"

"Yeah! that's the spirit, Wood!" Alicia cheered. everyone else was dead silent as she cheered which made it all the more funny once we all burst into laughter.

"you guys," Angelina started but then began laughing again, "Harry's still here."

"anything to say for yourself then, Harry?" Fred asked holding his hand out to him like a microphone.

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