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Jay wonders if this cat really does has nine lives, as all cats are said to do.

An odd cat for an odd situation. Jay is allergic to cats, yet he nuzzles the fur of the cat lounging on his lap, and the only thing he feels is ticklish and giddy.

He watches the little kitty, and starts to realize that maybe, cats truly do have nine lives, either that, or this cat believes it is invincible. For one, the kitten walks as though it is a new born, and while it surely is tiny, it might be around 2 months since its birth. It walks and its paws slide on the ground as though it is an ice rink. Jay wonders if it is because the flooring of his apartment is sleek.

Jay snorts.

"- You're a funny one."

The kitten is never done sniffing, and it sneaks inside every door Jay opens, especially the kitchen's furniture, when Jay cooks.

Today sees the kitten walking and not wobbling.

"- You've improved, yeah?" Jay laughs when the small creature walks inside the kitchen. "- Are you a male or a female, hm?"

The kitten meows, as if it understands purrfectly the question and has no problem answering it. Then, it starts touching his ankle with his little paw a few times, and when Jay glances at its small form, it is bowled by his feet, staring up at the cooker with its usual big, almost completely round, eyes.

"- I'm making curry, today." He informs with a few small nods.

From that point on, the kitten does not stop meowing and turning around him. Jay trips multiple times, almost stepping on the tiny pet, when he travels from corner to corner to fetch the ingredients and finish preparing the dinner.

"- Oh, you became so noisy." Jay chuckles. One must believe that the incessant meowing would irk Jay, yet even Jay is surprised at himself. The meows are cute and avoid the apartment from being eerily quiet. It only reminds Jay of how lonely he feels; lately, he has been putting some music, but even that could do so much. He loved having another living being with him. "- Right, maybe... You're hungry?"

The kitten meows louder, and Jay starts laughing when it starts clinging to the handles of the drawers of the lower kitchen furniture.

"- I don't think you'd like to eat curry." He says as he watches it dangling for barely two seconds before falling comically on the ground. "- Shall I make you some steak?"

The kitten ignores him and walks out of the kitchen. Jay shrugs. He will make him some steak.

While cooking the curry, Jay hears weird noises coming from what appears to be the living room. Of course, it is the little kitten. Jay would have honestly freaked out if it was not the kitten but something else, like a ghost.

"- What are you looking for, little kitten?" He sighs. "- There is nothing inside the bag."

When he approaches the kitten, the latter briskly takes its head out of the back and flinches in what Jay guesses must be its en guard position. However, the kitten seems to calm down by the time Jay is picking him up. He hopes he is doing it right; he read saw one day that there was a specific manner to hold cats so that they do not feel uncomfortable or even hurt somewhere.

"- Come, I will show you my room." He singsongs.

He goes through all the rooms of his apartment, showing the kitten around while making small comments. The kitten stares at everything with curious eyes, sometimes stretching out its neck, yet it does not meow at all and simply watches. It almost feels as though it is solely listening to all the rambling.

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