Home Until..-

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What we last left off is where Ren and Clementine was in a beautiful landscape, they saw two people were walking by the tree. It was Carley and Christa.

After three years later the group stay away from cities and towns, they end up in the woods and  found a cabin which is safe for the time being

After three years later the group stay away from cities and towns, they end up in the woods and  found a cabin which is safe for the time being

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come to think of it, Christa pregnancy was odd.. Mostly for woman's pregnancy does have a due date until 9 months some 10 months but.. For Christa.. Her pregnancy due to three years. They were confused and through the baby is dead in Christa womb but surprisely it's still alive Then couple of months later, on October 31st she give birth to a baby girl and give her a name called Eveline. Days gone by and Ren has been getting headache lately and unfeeling feeling in his body so he lays in bed resting with Carley as they were cuddling.

Ren clothes

Ren clothes

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Clementine x Project OC Ren: The Curse Of The Undead Book 2Where stories live. Discover now