Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A New Book

Today, I spent some time working on my story, with the help of my friend Edward who was proofreading it for me. I also enjoyed drawing some pictures to go along with the tale. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling my best, and was struggling with a headache, sore throat, and stomachache, which made it hard to focus on writing. Despite feeling under the weather, I received an invitation from Monica to attend her birthday party, along with Laura and Holly. I already picked out a special gift for Monica and was excited to celebrate with our friend Emily who was also going to be there.

I went to Monica's party last night and she had a bunch of movies for us to watch. We all got to talking about Prince Edward and how King Daniel is trying to find him a wife. I don't really get why they're in such a hurry to get him married off when he's just about my age. Plus, nobody even knows what he looks like! It's all very mysterious, but I guess that's just how royalty operates.

King Daniel

Princess Jenny and her parents recently paid a visit to King Daniel and Queen Annabelle. During their visit, Princess Jenny expressed her desire to become queen. However, she had an older brother named Prince Victor who was next in line for the throne. Princess Jenny had her heart set on marrying Prince Edward, but King Daniel had other plans.

"Princess Jenny, I want you to marry my son Prince Edward, so the curse can be broken," he ordered.

Chloe, who happened to be present, spoke up and reminded them that Prince Edward had to find true love in order for the curse to be lifted.

"Also, Princess Jenny has to love Prince Edward. I think Princess Jenny only wants to marry Prince Edward, so she can become queen. I do not think she loves Prince Edward!" Chloe replied, clearly frustrated.

"That's not true at all! I love Prince Edward!" Princess Jenny responded, her tone just as angry as Chloe's.

"No, you don't. You haven't even met him, so how can you possibly love him?" Chloe snapped back.

"How dare you speak to me like that?! I am a princess and you are just a servant!" Princess Jenny spat.

Chloe wasn't going to let her get away with that kind of attitude, though. "That doesn't make you better than me. You're just a spoiled brat!" She retorted.

""That is enough Chloe! My son will marry Princess Jenny!" King Daniel replied, his tone laced with anger.

"If you want the curse to be broken, your son needs to find true love. Otherwise, the curse will never be broken," Chloe repeated, her voice mirroring the king's frustration.

The next day, Princess Jenny went to visit Prince Edward. Unfortunately, he did not seem happy to see Princess Jenny. In fact, he told Princess Jenny he couldn't stand her and asked her to leave his house. Princess Jenny was really upset by this rejection and Princess Jenny stormed back to King Daniel's palace. Princess Jenny told him all about how Prince Edward had been incredibly rude to her and even kicked her out of his home. Needless to say, Princess Jenny was not pleased with how things had gone.

"King Daniel stormed into Prince Edward's home, his face a mask of anger. 'How could you treat Princess Jenny with such disrespect?' he bellowed.

Prince Edward glared back defiantly. 'You have no right to be my father!' he shouted. 'You and mom abandoned me because of my looks. You lost the right to be parents long ago. Now get out!'

With a heavy heart, King Daniel left, knowing deep down that his son was right. He and his wife had not been the best parents, and it was time to make amends."

King Daniel was in a difficult situation. He had promised King Charles that his son Prince Edward would marry Princess Jenny, but now he was reconsidering his decision. He was thinking about having his younger son Prince Eric marry Princess Jenny, but Prince Eric was not too keen on the idea. King Charles had also been struggling to find a suitable husband for his daughter, which only added to the pressure on King Daniel. It was a dilemma that needed to be resolved soon.

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