Chapter 1: Aftermath

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-Ninjago City-

"Gayle Gossip for NGTV News reporting from the streets of Ninjago city where citizens are clearing up after Crystastrophe left in the OVERLORD's wake! I'm here with one of those very citizens, James here has stated to have been in the SAME apartment building that former villain Lord Garmadon lived. Tell us, James, how do you feel about sharing a roof with one of the Ninja's most deadliest foes.."

The man took a deep breath before replying "It's horrible! I can't sleep at night! My girlfriend wont even see me anymore as she is too afraid to come to my place in fear of being destroyed by him! And who would've thought someone as dangerous as Garmadon liked pizza SO MUCH?! Seriously I was awoken at 3AM in the morning because the pizza delivery guy dropped the order!- Walls where I live are very thin- But at the time I thought it was just some random guy...And who's gonna pay for the massive hole in my wa-"

"I'm afraid that's all we have time for! thank you for this information. Alright Ninjago I'm gonna take a break but stay tuned as after the break we are going to discuss how citizens are dealing with the fact that seemingly the Quiet One, yes she IS alive people, AND Garmadon are being exonerated from their crimes because of a rumoured meeting between our Mayor Trustable and the Green Ninja-"

The TV cut out before Gayle's rant wrapped up. Electricity in Ninjago was going haywire as one of the enormous Crystal shards erupted from the ground in an Electrical Grid. Just another lump of damage caused by the Overlord's return. The sudden evaporation of the crystals left Ninjago littered with oversized holes in the ground. Buildings looked incomplete and structurally abysmal. Mounds of debris and concrete were sprinkled across the streets of the beloved and populated city but if there was one thing residents of Ninjago knew it was teamwork. It was heart warming to witness citizens of all ages helping eachother and passing over debris. Aiding the injured and comforting the emotional.

Streets were far more crowded then usual as both citizens and prisoners doing community service are cleaning up their precious home. Damage, although plentiful, is not as severe as most attacks in the city and Police predict that repairs can be made within the week, due to Cyrus Borg's latest invention he labelled the "Anti-Debris 3500".

A young man clad in nothing but black and dark grey clothing overlooked this wholesome display of teamwork wearing a neutral expression. His boots were a pristine black with the most pure yellow stripes. These were partially covered by his plain, dark grey jeans. The hood of his sharp black jacket shielded his face and hair from distant onlookers.

Despite his clothes being somewhat baggy, up close you could tell he had a lean figure with slight signs of muscles here and there. His hands stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie, he began to vacate the overcrowded street.

On his journey he encountered an old-ish man curled up on the floor. His face was covered in dried up blood and his dirty brown, ragged clothes look far too baggy for his skeletal frame. Tangled grey strands covered his chin and forehead and his expression showed that of which someone drained of life. Not even his eyes held much colour.

The young man in black noticed the empty, shrivelled noodle box beside him and took note of the fact that not a single penny was inside it. Sighing, the man pulled out a £50 note out of his pocket and carefully slipped it into the box. Suddenly the colour in the old man's eyes returned.

"O-oh thank y- *cough* you...How c- *cough* could I ever repay you?" The poor man's voice sounded raspy and desperately sick. Something the man in black took great pity in

The man swiped his hood down revealing fresh brown curls and a boyish, almost charming face. Where the old man's eyes were a dull grey tint the boy's were a sparkling gold shade. Almost illuminating his young and pure face. The young man also wore a tight smile for good measure.

"Directions. I'm looking for a place, most probably famous around here, called the Monastery of Spinjitzu. owned by a man called Sensei Wu. Formerly owned by the First Spinjitzu Master" The man spoke with clarity and sweetness

"Y-you're in luck, young man. J- *cough* just up ahead you'll find a mountain. It has s- *cough* steps that lead to the Monastery. At this moment citizens from all over the l- *cough* land have gathered there to rebuild it. The place was des- *cough* destroyed right before that monster's attack. I would help the Ninja rebuild it myself but these legs of mine wouldn't allow such a trek..." The raspy sounding man trailed off, voice turning perhaps shameful. The young man would be lying if he said it didn't pull at his heart just a bit. He always pitied the weak and abandoned.

"Well, thank you. I thought I'd head up there and have a little my bit to help out. You take care of yourself. If there's one thing I've learned from my past lifetime it's that no one else will do it for you" The boy's statement confused the old man but he shrugged it off, thinking his treacherous ears were playing up again

The old man watched the boy in black walk off without another word. The thing that confused him was that the boy was heading in the complete opposite direction he told him to go to get to the Monastery. Odd. He shrugged it off though and curled back up, not knowing the money so generously gifted to him was stollen.

A rather young looking woman strode across the street to her small yet inviting home, her smile was wide and infectious. Something that could immediately bring joy to the grumpiest of people. Her clothing choice was simple yet effective. A plain black jacket with dark grey shorts and a black pair of leggings which also held the detail of straight white lines. Her luscious black hair cascaded down her back and reached down to her waist. A few long locks of her hair that stroked her left cheek were bleached a perfect white.

When reaching her decorated home she found two interesting items on her doorstep. A lovely red rose and a small note. Taking both items in her hand she gently breathed in the incredible scent of the rose, making her already wide smile stretch out even more. Unfolding the note she saw a few words scribbled onto it in a stained black ink.

"Take care of yourself, I'm afraid I can't anymore"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but shrugged the message off. The citizens of this city had proven to be very generous so she assumed it was just a random gift from a random person.

From a distance the boy in black gazed at her from the shadows, although his smile seemed precious and adoring if one were to look into his eyes it would show nothing more than sadness and sorrow. Hesitantly, he tore his gaze away and vigorously shook his head and submerged himself into the shadows before she caught sight of him.

He had a mission. He had to focus. His destination? The Monastery, of course.

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