Chapter 10: The last but not the least...troller

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Y'all wanna know what is the last troller?

To be exact,the last troller is the smartest of all.

Because he/she can do anything the other kinds of trollers can do.

He/she can be a Kick-A-Lot troller.

He/she can be a TrollShopper.

He/she can be an Egger.

He/she can be any of the other trollers mentioned in this book.












Sooo.....You really want know???

Because it's really obvious.




FINE!!! I'll tell you all what is the last troller.

Just keep going












It's YOU.
It's me.
It's us.
Everyone can be a troller.
It's because we can be any troller mentioned in this book.

BTW THANKS FOR READING!Its ok if I have only like 80+ reads.I wasn't really expecting it to be that much.

Wait for my new book called "The Void:Do Not Read"It's gonna be awesome!

So,see ya Thieves!


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