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Door knob twitch revealed mother, y/n did't said anything just about to proceed to washroom but she stops her in between

"Today is haldi so i want you to wear- ", mother

"I'm here because Tanay wanted, that doesn't mean you will tell me what to wear and what not to", y/n

"I'm not forcing you just reminding that you are at home, not in house, and mostly it's your sister's haldi, everyone's wish ki tum sundar lago", mother

"it's you, not everyone", y/n

"guest are outside, kindly wear this", mother

"I don't want to", y/n

Mother-y/n why you have to-, "got interrupted by knock on side wall"

Tanay- sorry to interrupt you, can I talk to her, please

Mother nods and left the room closing the door, he sat on bed pulled her beside with her wrist.

Yn- what now Tanay, again going to defend her.

Tanay- no i was here to clear my doubt

Y/n- doubt, about what

Tanay-should i twin with you or just go in western

Y/n- this is wedding ritual Tanay, obviously traditional and if you twin then also good

Tanay- exactly, so what are you wearing, like the cloths you have bought are not exactly traditional and not even matching with me, why don't you look your mother choice, she has a good fashion senses.

Y/n- I don't wear her choice anymore

Tanay- i thought we are in your sister wedding, wrong i guess

Y/n- how do you find words to change my mind, please stop this

Tanay-stop what?

Y/n- making me agree on your decision

Tanay- well maybe I'm so handsome that you can't deny

Y/n-lol, now get out, I want to change

Tanay- I think you need my help here

Y/n- are you going on your own or should i charge some case on you

Tanay- eagerly waiting, sue me darling

Y/n- bow in front of me, 'proudly said'

Tanay-always my lady, 'bowed'


Soon function started some were dancing, applying haldi on bride.

"Y/n it's your turn to apply haldi", said bua ji (1)

"No thanks bua I'm okay here", y/n

"I'm not requesting you, it's your duty to do", bua ji (1)

She looked at Tanay, he gesture her to go, sighs and went to her sister, applied haldi on her sister hand face legs then small dot on nose

"Thanks for coming dii", Aradhya

"You most welcome doll", y/n smiled

She turn back and gesture Tanay to come and apply haldi, but he refused

"Why are forcing him y/n, he is not even family member", bua ji (3)

"Atithi devo bhava, you forgot", y/n

"Go Tanay she is something to you also", y/n

He nods and went to Aradhya putted haldi

"Sali ko haldi lagane main kesi sharam", Aradhya whispered, Tanay blushed and smacked on her head lightly.
Nighttime arrived, and y/n and Tanay joined the family talk time in the lawn.

"So when are you going to invite us again, bhabhi?" Bua Ji (2) asked.

"Invite, for what?" Mother asked.

"I mean Prateek is married, and Aradhya is going to, she's younger than y/n even, so when she is getting married, your lovely daughter?" Bua Ji (2) asked.

"That's her choice. I'm no one to force her," Mother replied.

"You never forced her. That's why she didn't show her face for twelve years," Bua Ji (2) said.

"She was studying law bua ji, you know it take years to achieve", Tanay

"Are you her lawyer, justifying her nuisance", bua ji (2)

"Nope, my man, standing for her women politely, will you", said y/n  with cross arm on chest, resting back.


Thankyou for reading......

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