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Kyle walks over to Vanessa and Shane, looking angry. Vanessa notices his approach and braces herself for what's to come. Kyle: What are you doing, Vanessa? Vanessa: Just talking to Shane. Kyle: I told you to stay away from him, he's not one of us. Vanessa: I don't care about that, Shane is a good person and a great friend. Kyle: You're making a mistake, you can't just go around and be friends with anyone who comes your way. Vanessa: I can be friends with whoever i want to, Kyle, and i choose to be friends with Shane. Kyle looks mad at Vanessa for a moment, then turns and walks away without saying another word. Vanessa turns back to Shane with a sigh. Vanessa: Sorry about that. Shane: It's okay, i'm happy that you're standing up for our friendship. Vanessa: Me too. As the day comes to a close, Shane and Vanessa say goodbye and make plans to hang out again. Shane walks out of the school feeling happier than he has in a long time. He knows that he's made the right decision in being friends with Vanessa, and he can't wait to see where their friendship will take them. A few days after: At the school: Shane is talking with Emma in the hallway, but then is Vanessa coming. She can see that Shane is talking with Emma, and that they are having fun. Vanessa get's mad at him, but she doesn't tell him about it. She goes over to her brother Kyle. She begins to cry. Kyle: What's wrong? Vanessa: I just saw Shane, he was talking with Emma. Kyle: He can talk with her, if he wants to. Vanessa: I know, but you were right, i should focus about my reputation, about being the popular girl that i am. Kyle: Now i'm beginning to get to know you again. Vanessa: Thanks. Kyle: If Shane or anyone hurts you, i will always be there for you. Vanessa: I know, thanks. Kyle: You're welcome. Later: At Shane's home: Vanessa is tutoring Shane, but she's doesen't say much to him.

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