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Shane: That's interesting, do you have any overlays i could try? Vanessa: Yes, actually, i have a few different colors, let's try them out and see which one works best for you. Vanessa pulls out a few colored overlays from her bag and they try them out together. After a few minutes, Shane finds one that works well for him. Shane: Wow, this really does make a difference, thank you so much, Vanessa. Vanessa: No problem, Shane, i'm happy to help. As they continue to work on their math problems, Vanessa and Shane feel a renewed sense of connection and friendship. They are suddenly looking at each other with a special eye contact. Vanessa and Shane both feel a flutter in their stomachs as they catch each other's gaze. They quickly look away, not wanting to make things awkward. Vanessa can't help but wonder if there's something more between them, but she pushes the thought aside. She doesn't want to risk losing their friendship again. As they finish up their tutoring session, Shane thanks Vanessa for her help. Shane: Thanks again, Vanessa, you're a really good friend. Vanessa: Anytime, Shane, i'm always here to help. They say their goodbyes and Vanessa heads out the door, feeling a mix of emotions. She's happy that she was able to help Shane with his dyslexia, but she can't shake the feeling if there's something more between them. She decides to focus on their friendship for now, but she can't help but wonder what the future holds. Next day: At the school: Emma sees Shane, she goes over to him. Emma: Hey. Shane: Hey. Emma: Are you still talking with Vanessa? Shane: Yeah, she's my tutor and my friend. Emma: Oh, okay, i just wanted to make sure everything was cool between us. Shane: Yeah, everything's fine, i just realized that i need to focus on my friendships with people like Vanessa. Emma: I get it, but i'm happy that we're still friends though. Shane: Me too.

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