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Kyle: Thanks, Emma, i appreciate that, so, do you want to hang out sometime? Emma: Sure, that sounds great. They both smile and walk away, feeling happy. Vanessa and Shane sees that Kyle and Emma are walking together. Vanessa: Hey, look at that, Kyle and Emma seem to be getting along pretty well. Shane: Yeah, it's nice to see them becoming friends. Vanessa: You know what they say, love can come from unexpected places. Shane looks at her with a smile. Shane: Are you trying to set them up? Vanessa laughs. Vanessa: Maybe, but who knows what could happen? Suddenly, Kyle turns around and sees his sister and her boyfriend watching them from a distance. He looks at them with a confused expression. Kyle: What are you guys doing here? Vanessa: Just hanging out, enjoying the day. Shane: Yeah, we saw you talking to Emma and wanted to see what was going on. Kyle: Oh, well, we were just talking. Vanessa: Is there something more going on between you two? Kyle: No, we're just friends. Emma chimes in, walking back towards them. Emma: Yeah, just friends. Vanessa: Well, you two would make a cute couple. Kyle and Emma both roll their eyes and laugh. Kyle: Thanks, sis. Emma: Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence. Vanessa: You're welcome. Kyle: Emma, i know that you aren't from my group, the popular crowd, but Vanessa and Shane has already proved that someone doesn't have to be popular to be together. Emma looks at Kyle with a smile. Emma: You're right, i don't care about popularity or labels, i just want to be with someone who makes me happy, and you do that. Kyle looks at her with a warm expression. Kyle: You make me happy too, Emma, i'm glad that we're friends. Emma: Me too, Kyle. They share a sweet moment before Vanessa and Shane interrupt. Vanessa: Alright, lovebirds, let's keep walking. Shane: We have more to do.

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