Guru dakshina

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4 months have passed. The girls are staying in hastinapur. The girls also patched up with each other after 2 days of their argument through the help of Krishna, duryodhan, aswathama and the others.
In between the boys have learnt many things from the girls like about Kaliyug, kaliyug's history, science and also learnt their language, cuisine, dress up, weather, culture etc. The girls also learnt various things from the boys like Dwaparyug, Dwaparyug's history, their language, cuisine, dress up, weather, culture etc. Also Karn and sonali have patched up well because sonali is a business student and Karn is the going to be yuvraj so they discuss many things about the economics of the kingdom etc. As Priya was a law student and yudhishthir is also is interested about law , they learnt many things from each other and got along well. Myra and Bheem have experimented recipes in cooking, Myra promised Bheem that she will make him her handmade mutton/ veg biryani and Bheem too promised her that he will feed her his special kheer and other sweets. Arjun and pooja both interested in weapons and fighting and thus arjun learnt karate from Pooja and pooja learnt to use various weapons from arjun, they also used talk a lot in their free times about various things. Nakul and Meena learnt about medicines and study from each other. Sahadev and Meera mostly spent their times in the library. Some time nakul, sahadev, Meena and Meera spent their times together in the library and laboratory as well. Thus, without them knowing some love bloomed between them.

Present time ( Author's POV )

Today a rajsabha was going on to discuss about karn's rajya Abhishek. The younger siblings were very excited and started to plan things with the girls regarding karn's rajya Abhishek. " Pandit ji, please tell us at which muhurte we should do karn's rajya Abhishek " dhritarashtra asked the raj pandit. " Maharaj I think- " the raj pandit was cut off by someone's voice. " Maharaj ki Jai " everyone turned around and saw Guru Dronacharya standing there with his hands folded. The boys stood up from their sits and joined their hands towards their gurudev. The girls followed their movement and also stood up from their sits. " Maharaj no rajya Abhishek will be conducted until my students give me guru dakshina " Dronacharya said with a firm voice. " Yes, yes ofcourse gurudev what do you want ? Elephant? Horse? Chariot? Village? I will give you what you want " dhritarashtra said. " No Maharaj I don't want any of these " dronacharya answered.

" I think after this the panchal yudh will happen " the girls along with Krishna whispered to each other. " That means it will lead to the birth of draupadi and dhrishtadyumna " Myra whispered in a little scared voice. Even she doesn't know why she was scared. " I can sense that Myra di is scared " Pooja teased. But even she was scared but didn't show in front of them. " I think we should tell Pandavas and Kauravas to kill Drupad and make aswathama the king " sonali suggested after for a few seconds. " That's a great idea " finally Krishna said
after the other sisters nodded at the words of sonali. " Ok then, who will tell them? " Priya asked. Everyone pointed at each other. " Didi, meri pyari didi, aap bolo na " Meera tried to butter sonali. " I think you all should tell them " Krishna
suggested. " That's we can do " Meena said and the other sisters nodded in agreement.

" What guru dakshina do you want acharya? " Karn asked. " I want you all to place panchal Maharaj Drupad at my feet and make aswathama the king of half panchal " dronacharya demanded. " Parantu gurudev, Pandavas and Kauravas are still young. Is it appropriate to send them at a war this early? You can also take any thing else as guru dakshina " Dhritarashtra worriedly said. " It's your decision Maharaj but I don't want anything else as my guru dakshina except this " dronacharya said and turned around to go. " Gurudev! Wait " arjun shouted, his voice echoing in the hall. " We will give you, your guru dakshina " arjun said in a firm voice. All the Kauravas and Pandavas nodded at his words. " Pitashri/ tatshree , agya dijiye " the Kauravas and Pandavas shouted chorusly. The blind king looked towards bhishma. The senapati of hastinapur nodded and said in a firm and calm voice " Agya hai putro, jao, Vijayi Bhava ".

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