
16 0 0

Calvin began groaning out of boredom. The television barely budged for who knows how long. Calvin glanced at the window. The sun was slowly rising. Calvin didn't notice how tired he was. He concluded his mind was just blank the whole time.

He slowly sat up as he stretched his arms.


Calvin got out from the couch as he began walking towards the front door. He assumed they were outside still.

Calvin looked around confused of no sign of Smoker. He started walking around on the wet grass. After wandering around deeper, he gave up as he started to go back home. He just prayed Smoker wasn't dead somewhere.







  Calvin turned around in shock as the figure collapsed on the mud. Calvin looked up to see Smoker glaring at the collapsed figure then at Calvin.

"That was a hunter."

"Where were you?"

"..You should be careful. You almost got ripped into.."

Smoker stop signaling. He didn't want to scare this child more. He sighed in annoyance. He let out a hand as Calvin grabbed it. The sun rises more as sunlight shined.

As soon as they entered the house again, the radio started making noises. Calvin walked into the living room to hear what it has to say. Smoker leaned against the wall, curious.

"This is the rescue team. Is there anyone alive out there? Report."

Calvin's eyebrows raised. He immediately got closer to the radio.

" need help.."

"A child..?"

"What's your name?"


"Alright Calvin. Are you with anyone?"


"What state and city are you two currently on?"


Smoker tapped Calvin's shoulder.



"We're on our way okay?"


"Stay where you are. We're sending a boat crew to save you two alright?"



Calvin turned to Smoker. Calvin was smiling. Relieved. He was going to be saved. Smoker was silent. Calvin noticed the frown on his face.

"What's wrong.?"


"They'll save us!"

"I heard."

"Why are you sad then?"

Smoker ignored his question. Not like he wanted to answer it anyways. He just wanted this kid to be happy. To get away from all. After what happened. be true.

Smoker doubted they'll save him too.

He's an infected.

They can't fix him.

So why bother?

They'll just shoot him.

Smoker assured Calvin to the dinner table. He signaled him to wait as he walked off. Smoker slowly walked upstairs as he opened a closet. Something to help.


Calvin was sitting on the table. As much as he wanted to explore outside, he knew he wouldn't be allowed to anyways. All because he was bored.

"Mr? I'm hungry."


Calvin groaned as he walked towards the staircase. Before he could even emerge to the second floor, Smoker exited out of the room. Calvin's eyebrows raised up a bit as he backed away, but was still curious.

"What is that?"

Smoker walked passed Calvin as he began walking downstairs.

"What is it?"

Smoker entered the kitchen while putting the unknown object on his hoodie pocket. He took out a pan. Calvin slowly sat down. They turned on the stove as they poured olive oil.

"They'll probably take a long while to arrive. You should at least eat before you leave."

Calvin just stared. He started wondering if Smoker would even come along. The way he's wording it..

"Mr.? You are coming with me right?"


Smoker's hand was shaking a bit. He slowly reached for eggs. Calvin glared at the talk figure.

"It's not fair."

Smoker didn't look back.

"You took care of me. Why won't you come? They're supposed to help us."

Calvin's hands formed into fists. He haven't felt this much anger in..ever. Last time he'd felt this way is when his older brother disappeared. Missing. He knew how unfair the world was but..

How could he handle that?

Without realizing, Smoker placed down a plate with eggs and bacon. Smoker placed a hand on Calvin's shoulder to catch his attention.

"You just gotta move on from this. You know I can't keep staying with you forever. You have to stay in a more safer environment. It's okay."


"I'm infected. You know that. I can be a danger towards them."

"B..But you haven't killed me."

"Sorry kid, there's no preventing this."

"I could tell them you're not gonna kill me! I swear! I could-"

"Just it happen."

"They won't even listen."

"They don't care."

"They just want the best for you and others."

"But those others aren't me okay?"


T h i s   i s n ' t   f a i r .

Anyways heh heh conflict go brr. I'm trying my best to update this fanfic as possible. Working on some stuff on Instagram.

Okay bye

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