Ch. 14

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"Didn't we pass by this flower shop that day?"

"Did we?"

The hooded girl glanced up at the sign that said KWON FLOWER STUDIO

"Huh... It sounds familiar. Maybe I was on the other side when we passed by it?"

Minju scratched her head with her free hand, "maybe, that makes sense."

The other girl glanced down, gesturing to the video camera in Minju's hand, "also, you don't need to take that around everywhere. You don't need to video everything for me."

The frog shrugged, "just in case, and even if it wasn't for your memories, it's still fun to video everyday things you know? Makes everything seem special."

The radish chuckled, "I guess you're right, want to check the flower shop out?"


The duo walked inside, greeted by a friendly welcome from the front counter.

Minju started her camera up again, videoing as she followed her new friend around.

The radish gasped, "wow, look at this one Minju!"

The older girl carefully picked up a flower, smelling it with a smile on her face before turning to the college student.

Minju smiled as she zoomed into the flower, zooming out as she panned towards Chaewon's brightened face.

She seemed so much better than the first few days the girl had met her, she was thankful for that.

Nightmares were still an often recurring thing for the older girl, but it never became too serious.


Chaewon snickered as she leaned in towards the camera, "me or the flower? 'Cause it seems like both the camera and you're looking at me."

To that, Minju flustered up, turning away to face the camera towards other flowers.

The radish put the flowers away, linking an arm around Minju's as she muttered softly.

"Thank you for taking me outside."

Minju smiled, "of course, as long as you're safe unnie."

Chaewon pouted, "you too, both you and your dad."

"All three of us."

"Oh my God."

The duo looked up at a girl hesitantly pointing at Chaewon, "you're... her..."

Chaewon tensed at the fact that someone knew her, "who are you?"

"K...CW... T-that's you, right?"

The radish flinched, taking a step back in fear that she had been found again as Minju stood in front of her.

"May I ask who you are?"

"H-huh? Oh! Uh- sorry I should've introduced myself."

'Huh? She's not... going to capture me?'

The girl held out her hand, "I'm Jo Yuri, twenty year old soon-to-be singer and songwriter."

Sensing the caution, her smile weakened, "I understand why you're cautious, I would be too."

She looked around, noting that the only other person in the store was the owner before changing her hand to glass.

Chaewon looked down, her eyes widening as she glanced back at Yuri's face.


"You're the person who escaped right? I think we were held near each other too."

Yuri scratched her head with her free hand, "although it was pretty dim in there so I can't really tell."

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