Chapter 12

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Tzuyu POV

Sana sleeps peacefully next to me, and I wish I could just grab onto her and fall back asleep.

That's all I want to do, be with her and love her. Unfortunately, today I have tons of work that needs to be done. I get up silently with my phone in hand and close the bathroom door. It's merely six in the morning but I already got a call from the office and let's just say I don't want to piss anyone off today.

Sure, I'm in no mood to work, it has been like that since Sana's in my life. I was a workaholic, but lately I noticed how hard I was pushing myself. I noticed how much I needed someone in my life to make it all better, have someone to come to after a long day of work and not feeling so lonely anymore on this huge house.

I have a couple of missed calls from one of my assistants, duty calls, literally. Melanie  answers not even giving me time to grab some towels and I sigh as I pick up the phone from the counter.

"Good Morning Mr. Chou. I'm sorry to inform you in such short notice but you have a very important meeting to attend in Dubai, we have your villa and jet ready."

"I beg your pardon? You mean Dubai as in United Emirates Arabes? You're informing me, I have less than an hour to be on my jet?"

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Chou. Have a good trip."


Just like that, huh? She tells me I need to go to Dubai and off I go.

I manage to take a quick shower and dress in my black suit. Any other day I would've loved going back to my place in Dubai but not today, not without Sana. I can't just ask her to come along, I don't even know how long I'll be there.

I don't want to go without saying goodbye to her and I don't want to wake her up but I have no other choice.

"Hey, princess," I shake her shoulder and push a strand of hair out of her face. She blinks a couple of times and adjusts herself on her elbows.

"Hey, handsome. Going to work this early?" she smiles but her lips close once I don't smile back "What? What's going on?"

"I'm leaving for Dubai, got the call thirty minutes ago." her lips part and she lets out a silent "oh" "I have no idea when I'll be back, I'm so sorry, Sanny," I caress her cheek and she jumps out of the bed "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting dressed, I'm going with you," she starts to undress.

"Whoa! Hold on, speedy. You sure?"

"Yeah, I mean if it's okay with you," I smile and nod.

"Take a shower first and don't bother on packing, we'll buy some clothes once we get there."

While she gets ready I make a few calls making sure everything's ready. My security guards, the house, the chef, the jet, and Norman, the one who handles everything in Dubai whenever I'm not there.

It's been a while since I've been in Dubai, probably five months. When I first started I knew what I had to do to make this company huge. Opening offices and making deals in Singapore and Dubai were the priority.

I spend a large amount of time traveling between the US and Dubai. I love it there, the villa I bought is enormous, with five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a huge pool and garden. Sana is going to love it, she loves hot weather so once we land, I'm sure she's taking all those clothes off and getting on the pool.

I'm way too lost on that idea, so lost I don't even notice Sana standing in front of me with Bero in her arms.

"You awake from your deep thoughts?" She smiles.

I smiled and played along, "Yes, we better get going, honey," I get up from the couch and take the lifter to the garage "In the mood for the Bentley?" I ask as I look at all my cars.

"Just take a car, we're late already," she chuckles.

"We're not late. I'm the boss, remember?" I tease her.

"I know, but clearly that buyer wants to make the deal. We better not be late," she shakes her head with a chuckle as I open the car door for her like I always do. My mom would've kicked my in the ass if I wouldn't do it every time.

"It's a long flight, we're taking the recent jet."

"The one that looks like a house?" I can't help but laugh at that one. Sana is adorable, she's not used to the lifestyle yet, truth be told, I don't think she ever will. But it's cute how astonishing these things are to her.

"Yeah, that's the one. Very comfortable, modern, you can't even feel you're flying. Got some amazing bed if you want to sleep."

"Oh, I must be sleeping. I'm taking my Xanax once I get on that plane,"

"It doesn't even feel like a plane,Sanny. Don't worry, but if you insist on taking the Xanax,"

"I'll think about it," she smiles and lets her free hand rest on my thigh.

We got less than four hours of sleep so it's not going to be a problem. I can't wait to show Sana the world.

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