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I met noona back in our Saturday class. Saturday class activities are fun but the teacher is boring. Art class for 5 hours then we'll go home. I was with Siyeon noona while Jiu noona and Hagyeol hyung were beside us.

I listened to the instructions. The teacher was telling us what to paint. Later on, we started and the teacher went out to continue the meeting with the principal. I shared my ideas with Siyeon noona and she also did.

Jiu noona showed us her almost finished idea using scratch paper. I was impressed by how creative they are. We started painting. The other students finished early so they went home already. We don't really care as long as we can finish our painting and pass.

Siyeon's PoV

I saw Hajun falling asleep on his own chair. Maybe he is also faking it. I know him. I put brown paint on his nose. "Rawr..." He laughed as he woke up. He get one of the palette that are set aside. He put one on my nose, on my cheeks, and on my forehead.

"You're cute, noona." He pinched my cheeks. I looked at the side, where Minji unnie and Hagyeol are sitting. I saw Minji unnie laughing with us and Hagyeol being serious on his painting. "Noona, just call me if you're done." Hagyeol said and left.

As soon as we finished our painting, we left it in the room and just let the teacher grade them. "Noona, i'll be back." Hajun left and went somewhere. I fixed my things and cleaned my paint brushes. After a few minutes, he came back with water on his hands. "What would you do to them?" I asked. He placed the pail down. "I'll wipe the dirt on your face, noona." He said. "No, I can't do it myself. You can just eat and follow them at the rooftop. Maybe you're hungry already." I said. "I'm the one who puts the dirt on your face so i'll be the one to wipe it." He proceeded to soak his hand in the water and wiped the dirt on my face gently.



S: Hi mom
Su: Hi baby... Is Hagyeol, Jiu, or Hajun there?
S: Uhmmh... Hagyeol went home already. He left me some candies. Jiu unnie, she's still here, waiting for his dad to come. And Hajun is with me.
Su: Ahhh... It's too late but we are really sorry for making you wait there. Dad and I will have an important meeting at this time so we can't pick you up. Is it okay for you?
S: Of course, mom. No problem.
Su: Alright... Bye! I love you!
S: I love you too, mom!


"Hmmh? Siyeon, aren't you going home yet?" Jiu asked. "My mom called me. She said they won't be able to pick me up so I have to go home by myself." I said. "Ahhh... I'm really sorry but I can't join you this time. Is it okay for you?" She asked. "Yes, unnie. Take care."

I headed to the exit to get out of school. I accidentally bumped into Hajun. "I'm sorry, noona. I didn't watch my steps." He said. "It's fine. Are you going home?" I asked. "Yeah... How about you? Where's your dad?" He asked. "I'm going home alone. I'm taking the bus."

"Why don't we go together? I'm also taking the bus and i'm sure it's the same way to your house." I nodded and we went to the bus station together. The bus station was empty and it was comfortable when only the two of us were there. We could comfortably talk.

"So when are you going to talk about the kiss you gave me yesterday?"

Hajun's PoV

I smirked after saying that. Her smile then faded away and she looked at me. I laughed. I love teasing her. "Ahhh... About that? It was-" she stood up and I followed. I grabbed her arms gently. "Just tell the truth, noona. It's my first time being kissed by a friend." I said. At first, I thought it was just an accident but I knew she planned it even before the day we walked together.

"I'm sorry about that. It was intentional." I saw her avoiding to look at me. It was cute. "You really think I will get mad when I also like you?" I said. It was true. I like her. We felt the same. "You do?" She asked and I nodded. I saw the bus coming and I smiled. "Shall we?" I offered a hand to let her hold it and went inside the bus together. She got a big smile and then we headed inside.

The trip was a bit long. It was like 50 minutes away from school. Siyeon noona fell asleep on my shoulder but her hands were still holding tightly on my hands, afraid to let it go. I woke her up when it was almost at their house. She woke up and we got up as the bus stopped.

"Thank you for taking me to our house. Take care." She said. The bus won't go to our house straight so I went out of it and decided to walk to go home since it's already close. I looked everywhere to make sure her parents weren't there. I kissed her forehead quickly. "I love you. Take care also." I smiled. Leaving her with a kiss isn't enough for me so I was craving for a hug. Not just a hug but also plenty of kisses but her parents were calling her already.

While walking, I saw a group of men behind me. They were following me. It was strange but I don't want to run. They wore some black outfits that makes it really fishy. I started walking fast but they also copied the way I walk. It was very fast like mine. I was thinking maybe they would suddenly punch me.

"Hey..." One them called me and I stopped. I turned around and saw a knife. They were holding it and pointed it on me. But then, they throw it. The knife was full of blood. Maybe they killed another person before me so I was really scared. "It would be really weak if we use that thing so we get rid of it. Why not fist?" I heard them laughing then they started punching my abdomen. It hurts and I don't know how to fight really that much.

When I started to feel okay, I get up from the ground and tried to run. But they started fisting my hair and then punched the side of my lips. It was bleeding until they heard a police car. They ran and hide. I wiped the bleeding part of the side of my lip. I went home quickly.

While going inside the house, my dad was there, cleaning his leather shoes for his work tomorrow. I avoided any eye contact to him and even showing my face. He might get worried and I don't want it. Until...

"Hmmh? Are you okay? Why aren't you showing your face to dad? Are you mad?" He asked. I showed my face to him. He touched it. "Ah! Dad, it hurts." He get a cold compress and gave it to me. I slowly put it beside my lips. "Now what happened?" My dad asked.

"I don't know who they are though. They are a group of men that are wearing the same black outfits. They are strange then they almost stab me but threw the knife away. They punched me and I couldn't fight until there was a police car and they ran." I said. "Oh no... Make sure to be careful next time, okay? Didn't I told you to take the bus?"

"But I was riding the bus with Siyeon. The bus I ride with was not able to go straight here that's why I walked." .... "Ahhh... Are you feeling alright?" The whole night were just me and my dad talking about the incident. Then it made me fell asleep.

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