♥♥♥ Atem X Diana ♥♥♥

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The room is adorned with regal decorations, and King Uther Pendragon sits on his throne, flanked by his son, Prince Arthur Pendragon. The atmosphere is tense as a contingent from Egypt, led by Pharaoh Atem and his cousin Priest Seto, awaits an audience with the king. The doors creak open, and the Pharaoh and Priest Seto enter, followed by their entourage.

King Uther: (raising an eyebrow) Ah, Pharaoh Atem and Priest Seto, welcome to Camelot. It's an honor to have you here.

Pharaoh Atem: (bows respectfully) Thank you, King Uther. We appreciate your hospitality.

Prince Arthur: (leaning towards Arthur) Did you see the size of their entourage, Father? It's impressive.

King Uther: (whispering to Arthur) Yes, indeed. But what's more intriguing is their reason for visiting. They claim to seek counsel on matters of magic.

Merlin enters the chamber, followed by his sister, Diana, who nervously looks around the room.

Merlin: (bowing) Your Majesty, may I present Pharaoh Atem and Priest Seto. They come from a distant land seeking guidance on magical matters.

Pharaoh Atem: (smiling warmly) Thank you, Merlin. We've heard much about Camelot's wisdom in dealing with such matters.

Priest Seto: (nodding) Indeed, the reputation of Camelot's Court Sorcerer and his knowledge of magic has reached even the farthest corners of the world.

King Uther: (eyeing Diana) Very well. I shall assign someone to attend to your needs during your stay. Diana, Merlin's sister, shall be your personal servant.

Diana: (stammering) M-Me, Your Majesty?

Pharaoh Atem: (gently) Yes, you, Diana. Please do not be alarmed. We are honored to have such a lovely maiden as our attendant.

Prince Arthur: (suppressing a smirk) Well, sister, it seems you'll have your hands full. I hope you can handle the responsibility.

Diana: (nervously curtsying) Of course, Your Highness. I'll do my best to serve the Pharaoh and Priest Seto with utmost dedication.

Pharaoh Atem: (grinning) Your best will be more than enough, dear Diana. Your presence alone brings warmth to this court.

King Uther: (confused) I fail to see how her presence affects anything. Nevertheless, you shall have what you request, Pharaoh Atem. Diana will serve as your attendant.

Diana blushes, and Pharaoh Atem exchanges a knowing glance with Priest Seto.

Prince Arthur: (whispering to Arthur) I think Pharaoh Atem is quite smitten with her, don't you?

King Uther: (raising an eyebrow) Smitten? What nonsense are you talking about, Arthur?

Prince Arthur: (grinning mischievously) Just an observation, Father. Perhaps the Pharaoh has a weakness for Camelot's fair maidens.

King Uther: (chuckling) Well, let us hope Diana's presence proves to be a pleasant distraction for our esteemed guests.

As the scene fades, Diana looks flustered yet determined to fulfill her duties, while Pharaoh Atem continues to steal glances in her direction, captivated by her charm.

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