Please Note The Sarcasm

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Chapter Five: Please Note The Sarcasm

So I know everyone probably thinks I'm a psycho maniac but honestly my brain just processes revenge plots a little more severe than everyone else's.

I plan to take down each and every one of the golden boys on my list by taking away their social statuses. I know I can't make them all quit football but I sure can help "accidents" and other things happen. I promise, I won't murder anyone.

It has been a few weeks since the encounter with Darren, and there is approximately one week left of summer break. Wow, the most exciting thing I did this summer was tan with Emily or watch The Notebook two nights in a row.

I call Emily and we decide to go shopping for clothes and a few school supplies. The only school supplies you will ever need in high school are a phone charger, some paper, a pencil or pen, and maybe some headphones.

Emily is feeling extra bubbly today when she tells me about her new "boy toy". His name is Evan and she can't stop talking about how amazingly hot he is. When she used the word "perfection" I nearly slapped her.

"Come on, Jane. He's a blonde, messy hair, tall, a lifeguard near our usual spot,"

"Thanks for the description, Em. I pretty sure I've never seen him before like I told you the last five times." She gives me a look and I can basically read her thoughts. She's probably thinking "Jane, you can't be on your period because you have yours the week after mine every single time so why the hell are you acting like a brat."

"Sorry for snapping. I just don't think I'm ready to face school again. All the people and homework and stress."

"Hey, it's okay. Same here. Let's go to the boardwalk and try to find you a guy to hit on." With that, my best friend and I filled the streets with laughter and tried to have a great time before school starts up again. Scratch the movies or tanning, I think I just had the best day of the summer.

Days are passing quickly now and my dad tells us he went on another date and it went perfect. I'm just wondering how I got lucky enough to not join along with him this time.

As if satan created the day himself, it was the day before school started. School should be banned for the safety of my health.

My dad woke Jake and me up with the news that Marie would be joining us for lunch at our house. We never eat lunch together. Before I could even ask, my dad explained that Darren wouldn't be attending because of the mishap and that he had been grounded over the weekends until school started again. Wow, Marie must really like my father if she went that far for a punishment over cake throwing. Speaking of, I could have swore I saw him at the latest party in pictures on Instagram. Figures, if mommy says "no", golden boy says "I do what I want."

I throw on a pair of jean shorts and a nicer shirt that I haven't worn in a while. I feel like I need to try harder because of Marie. She seems so put together and the thought of wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt in front of her makes me feel embarrassed. I'm still having a mental party in my head because Darren won't be in my house anytime soon when my dad calls us downstairs.

Lunch was going fine and fast until Marie started talking directly to me. "So, Jane, I know that you have your drivers license and Darren does too." Why is she telling me this? I don't care if satan has his license or not. Wow, I really need to stop referring to everyone as satan. "Your father has told me how it is hard to ever drive to school because of his work at the bank in the morning." I don't see where this is going and I'm kind of scared. With her usual smile she offers, "Darren just got a brand new car for his birthday and I was wondering if he could drive you to school everyday. I mean, I've talked to him about it and he seems more than happy to help out."

I froze. I literally froze. Jake kicked me under the table and I still couldn't even blink. How do I tell someone no in a polite way? Can I just say "there is no way in hell I'm letting the douche drive me"? I don't think that would turn out too well.

"Jane, would you like Darren to drive you to school?" my father spoke up.

Marie added, "It's the least he could do considering what happened a few weeks ago. The school is just fifteen minutes away from your house and he can't be that bad for such a short amount of time." Does she know what time is? Fifteen minutes in a car with a golden boy who fricken probably doesn't want to know I exist can get a little annoying.

"Uh-Um. I mean, I guess so. If it's no bother."

"No bother at all, honey. Oh, you know what? I'm going to have him drive you home too. Would you mind waiting a little while after school and watch his practices? You could catch up on some homework."

Oh no. Oh no, no.

"That would be wonderful!" In what world does the word "wonderful" ever come out of my dad's mouth?

"Yeah, um sure. Only if he's okay with it and all. Would he really want me there for his practices? I mean what would his teammates think and-"

"Don't you worry about anything. Darren will be driving you to and from school everyday from now on," she says with a smile.

I fake the best smile I can and thank her. After lunch I head up to my room and pull out my laptop. I need revenge ideas and fast. Emily is always good for that. I will have to call her later and tell her everything that happened anyways. I send her a text to call me when she's not busy and fall down onto my comforter. I really am happy for my dad but I don't think I can take being all buddy-buddy with Darren. All I know is that tomorrow will be the start of a long year with him.

How did I get so lucky? Please note the sarcasm.

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