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I was drawing in my sketchbook on the couch with my earphones playing F/s on repeat.

The sketch was messy, but I was proud of it.

Miles walks out of his room, grabbing my attention. He starts his way towards the door, until Mrs. Morales stops in front of him.

"Miles? You forgot someone" she says, her arms crossed in front of her.

The boy sighs and turns his head to the couch "you comin' or not?"

I close my book and take out my earphones.

"Te amo, mama" Miles says, kissing his mom on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Mrs. Morales" I speak.

Without another word, Miles and I walk out. He immediately starts walking faster than me. Trying to keep the pace, I jog to him quicker and catch up "where are we going" I ask innocently.

Miles goes down the stairs and I follow not too far behind "Not a talker" I whisper to myself.

"How was the chocolates you got from the store" I blurt. I immediately curse at myself for saying the most stupidest things.

We made it outside of the apartment. Miles walks towards the city.

I find myself slowing down. I groan and follow behind him.

We were getting closer to the taller buildings.

"Y'know it's dangerous going to the city at night. The Prowler might be around" I mumble, kicking a rock.

'Ah. The nostalgic smell of fire and the sounds of ambulances, riots, and gunshots is music to my ears.'

Miles lets me catch up to him and smirks "you scared of the Prowler" he asks, his Spanish accent thicker than ever.

"Isn't everyone? His name sounds straight out of a pinterest name generator, though" I spoke. Miles stares ahead and looks slightly irritated.

He makes a turn to a dark alley. The smell of wet trash hits my nose.

I let out a shaky breath and follow him like a lost puppy.

Unexpectedly, a tall man with army pants walks into view and throws Miles a glowing purple titanium-made hand with claws. My eyes grow wide as he gave me a small heart attack.

"I fixed it for you" he spoke. His voice was deep and calm, yet chilling.

The man glances around and meets eyes with me. His eyes grow wide and immediately pushes me to the floor out of instinct.

My back hits the hard, cold ground.

I wince and stare up at him. He walks menacingly to me.

His stare resembled Miles.

He was going to hurt me.

"Chill. She's with me" Miles spoke up, holding the titanium claws. Miles' uncle turns to Miles "You bringing girls to our missions now?"

Miles walks to me and extends his hand. I take it and he helps me up. "nah mom's orders." Miles answers. The tall man chuckles "You finally came to yo' senses and listening to her"

Ignoring the last remark, Miles' face suddenly turns dark "Did you find our man?" he asks

The man who resembled a lot of Miles smiles "Yeah. Follow me"

I have a horrible gut feeling about his uncle.

Miles turns to me, looking as if he was deciding something.

After a couple of seconds, he glances back at the tall man, tossing back the Titanium claws "Deal with him. I can't bring her with. It aint safe" Miles says cooly.

My eyes trail from Miles, to the man. They were in silence until the man chuckles again "you sure you my nephew, man? just leave her here for a bit"

'I like that plan better than going somewhere even more sketchy'

Miles puts his hands back into his pockets and looks at me "stay here and stay outta sight. the Prowler prolly' aint one to mess with" he speaks, smirking.

'aw great. I have no sense of direction back home'

He isn't actually thinking of leaving me here, is he?

"Miles!" the man yells, already ahead.

The boy turns around and walks away, un-rushed.

"Shit" I cursed silently.

It's a big risk bein' out here alone, man.

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Thank you for reading<3

⛔️If anyone would love to make my book cover, I would be more than happy. I will give full credits to the artist


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