chapter 6

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the next mourning Namjoon drives up and walks into the shabby hotel lobby to pick up yoongi .]

Namjoon : *To hotel clerk* Hey. I'm here for min , room 11.

Clerk: Oh, yeah, yeah, ol' Snake Eyes. Nice Guy. Left ya a note. *Hands Namjoon a note.*

Namjoon : * unfolds the note It says, "Dear Namjoon , I have moved 1.6 miles," lists an address, and is signed yoongi* damm it yoongi * Namjoon exasperated *

Namjoon then drives and gets to the address yoongi gave him , when he arrives he gets out of the car, gaping at the house

Namjoon : You've got to be kidding me. It is an opulent, old building.

Namjoon: * knocks and a maid answers* I think I have the wrong address.

June comes and greets Namjoon

June: * from the next room* You must be Namjoon.

Namjoon : * in disbelief * I'm looking for min yoongi .

June: He's upstairs.

Namjoon : * jungshook *

Namjoon : * starts to head upstairs opening the door to the roof seeing yoongi lounging in a robe, reading a newspaper*

yoongi : You're early.

Namjoon : We were chasing a lead at the airport. We got a hit on Snow White.

yoongi : Snow White... the phrase you decoded from a suspected Dutchman comunicade at Barcelona. Uh.

Namjoon : * changes the subject * You moved.

yoongi : Yeah, it's nice than the other place, don't you think?

Namjoon: Yeah, I don't remember the other place having a view.

yoongi : I went to the thrift store, like you suggested, and June- * gets cut off by Namjoon*

Namjoon: Lady with the dog. We met.

yoongi : she Was donating her late husband's clothes. and We hit it off by her letting me stay in her home she had an extra guest room...

Namjoon : Ehm.

yoongi :you said, if I find a nice place for the same price, I should take it.

Namjoon: I did say that. All this for seven hundred?

yoongi : Yep. But I help out around the place.

Namjoon : Oh, sure, feed the dog- * gets cut off by yoongi *

yoongi : Yeah, wash the Jag, watch her daughter from time to time.

Namjoon: She's got you baby sitting?

then a really hot young girl walks in the roof top where Namjoon and yoongi are even though obviously not as young as Namjoon was thinking walks by

Namjoon: How's it going?

jisoo then turns and greets yoongi not hearing Namjoon greet her

jisoo: Morning, yoongi .

jisoo then leaves back inside

Namjoon : Granddaughter?

yoongi : She's an art student.

Namjoon: Unbelievable. Go get dressed.

yoongi then leaves to get dress while Namjoon wait for yoongi

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