Ross' Big Night

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Amy's POV

I flattened down my skirt and walked over to the sewing table. I sat down and grabbed some material and started to sew. I was trying to make a skirt, one for Dylan. I asked Rydel if Dylan could model it, and of course Rydel agreed, quite quickly actually. I smiled at my finished product. I love working at this company, although, I would like my own company. I still make clothes and create designs, and it has my label on it, AA, but just not my own store or anything. I have a line at Victoria Secret, but it's not much. I felt the table vibrate. I picked up my phone and pressed the speaker button.

"Hey girly. Good timing, I've just finished Dylan's skirt." I smiled and cut the left over thread that was hanging off the material.

"Wonderful. I really wanna see it."

"I could bring it to you tonight." I smiled gleaming.

"Y-you're going tonight? Dad said you weren't" Rydel said. I could tell she was disappointed.

"Oh that's right. It's Ross' engagement party, isn't it?" I said. How could've I forgotten so quickly.

"Pleeeeeeaaaase come." Rydel begged.

"But I'm busy." I lied.

"Doing what?" Rydel questioned me.

"Uhh, stuff." I said. Yeah, good job there lying Amy. She's totally going to believe that.

"Please, just come."

"But I don't finish work until five." I told her. All I want is a good night in. Me and Netflix, yep that's the life.

"Millie, he wants you there. What's going to happen if Romeo gets hurt, or if he can't stop crying. You're the only one who really knows how to look after him." Rydel pleaded over the phone. I could tell she was exhausted and also busy. "Ross hardly knows any sign language he won't even be able to communicate with Romeo." Rydel said sadly. I blinked. Twice. Three times.

"Fine. I'll come, but I'll be late." I told and sighing. I couldn't be bothered arguing with her.

"Yay! Thank you." She said and hung up. I locked my phone and put in it my pocket. I picked up my hand bag and grabbed my keys off the table. As I walked out I turned the lights off and shut the door.


I arrived at the venue. It was a restaurant. I walked inside and saw Rydel run up to me.

"You're just in time." Rydel smiled. Yeah just in time to see my heart get smashed to pieces again. I don't even know why I agree to come here.

"They're about to say their speeches." Rydel said grabbing my arm. "Oh, and the canapés are delicious." Rydel pointed out. Oh course she points out the delicious food. It's so fancy in here. I haven't been to a fancy restaurant in ages. I smiled and she dragged me over to a table.

"Hey Amy." Rocky said got up to hug me.

"Hey!" I smiled and hugged him back. "How have you been?" I asked him.

"Yeah, really good." He replied. Well, he seems to be happy. "I'm really good that you're here now." Rocky whispered in my ear as I sat down next to him.

"Pardon?" I whispered. That was rude. Is he trying to hit on me?

"I'm happy that you're here because Ross is about to make the worst mistake of his life." Rocky whispered.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad." I chuckled and he pulled a straight face. "Oh, it really is that bad." I muttered and a plate of food was brought out and placed on our table. Oooo yummy. I looked over at the other side of the table and saw Romeo chewy on a bread stick. He was sitting on Stormie's lap. Romeo's drool was dropping quite slowly. Gross, but his adorable. I went to grab my knife and fork to start eating but the music stopped and Ross stood up. He looked so dapper. He really is trying to impress her. I placed my bag on the ground under the table and looked down at my feet.

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