Part X

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In the end, Loki made the final decision. Not one he wished to explain, nor one that he thought he could. He sent Edmund home with a promise to retrieve him in the morning.

An empty promise.

Loki wasn't one to admit to much sentiment, to say he cared, but Edmund had become more than simply a mortal to rule. He had held echoes of Loki's life. His feelings. He had understood Loki like no one else seemed to. Not perfectly, not exactly, but enough.

He had become a friend.

Loki had seen in Edmund the feelings of his own past, and yet, he had also seen the boys' family. They loved him and wanted to help him. They believed in him. And Edmund still had his goodness, his conscience. He still wanted to try for them.

Though Loki would hardly agree outloud, this was why he'd let him go. This was why he would say goodbye. Because he cared. Loki had actually begun to care again. He would not let Edmund become what he had- even if that meant he had to go. He'd given up on himself, but Edmund hadn't yet. Edmunds's family hadn't either. He had a chance, one Loki wouldn't take away.

Before he really thought about what he was choosing to do, he chose it. It was right, and though Loki almost never did the right thing, he would do it now. For Edmund.

                            ● ● ●

Loki waited until the early morning hours, before the first rays of light even appeared, and then eased open the window, stepping silently across the floor. A spark of compassion had begun to burn inside of him, and he hated it.

He stopped beside Edmund, sleeping peacefully. The boy's cousin, Eustace, snored loudly off to the left. Loki eyed him irritability, then held a hand over Edmunds's head, a smile unlike any he'd offered him before briefly crossing his face. A kind smile. A compassionate smile.

A real smile.

He waved his hand, the gentleness vanishing from his eyes. He was giving this boy a chance to do what he could not.

To change.

By tomorrow, Edmund would no longer remember Loki or anything they had planned. It was for the best. The best for Edmund. Loki turned away, heading back towards the window, leaving his new friend behind.

"Make the most of this chance, Edmund." He whispered, looking back.

Loki knelt on the windowsill, giving one more glance around the room before he slid back outside. Trying to be silent, he misjudged the distance to the ground and landed in a heap. He sat a moment, hoping no one heard. No one appeared in the window, and thankfully, Loki stood, narrowing his eyes, groaning slightly.

Reaching into his pocket, a blue light surrounded him. He was leaving. Never to return. Maybe Edmund would turn his life around. Maybe not. It wasn't up to Loki. Loki would never know.

All he knew was his own life, what he was, and would always be. People always made him the villain, and so, he would carry on. Blinded by pain, rage, and fear until it was too late. Careless and villainous. Abandoned and alone.

Loki was the god of mischief; let mischief reign! Hands out, and his head held high with glorious purpose, Loki disappeared.

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