When Do Dreams Come True?

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"Stars of Memories?" Ean said in awestruck. "I mean, we are called that?" He asked Noah upon hearing that they are being trained because they are called the Stars of Memories.

"Yes, that is what you are called." Noah just said simply. Standing up and going to the meditating boy just a few meters from the patch of grass where they are resting.

The boy had this solemn face as if he was sleeping. Paired with a jet black hair with his black leather pants, his breathing was controlled and slow. "You alright X?" Noah asked as he approache the boy.

"Yes. I am. I can control a little of the my deamon inside while sensing Miss Red's Overkill over that werecat." He said with a deep voice.

"Good, because Red, Ly and I will be leaving you with the group. You take care of them alright?"

X frowned and opened his eyes as if he was still sleepy. His eyes are burning with a color of blue flames. As if the flames are alive in the boy's eyes. And he blinked a few times and the flame like shapes inside his iriss vanished. "Why me?"

"Because you know how to handle groups than being alone." Noah said firmly as he stood his ground with a relaxed body.

"Fine, but don't blame me if these memories are killed." And with that Noah smiled a little that put X in a little awkward position.

After a few hours, Red and Ly is nowhere to be seen and Noah took his leave in a different direction. Not explaining everything to the group, and leaving them not knowing what to do.

"Stars of Memories huh?" Ean kept thinking how cool the name are and thinks how special it is.

"Hey, are you sure that you should be thinking about that?" Thirdy said with an irritated voice inside him. It was because they are left in the middle of a grassland without any map or compass to help them navigate through the land.

"But it's so cool. Don't you thinking?" Ean insisted while having this big grin in his face. Thirdy took as a childish remarks so he just ignored the werewolf. He looked around to see Rafaiel, AmLorr and Reighn keep teasing Mew who was in the verge of Crying. X who didn't move an inch from where he is standing since Noah left and Kyler who was just sitting on a patch of green grass.

Thirdy walked towards X, who was silent and as he walked towards the boy, he felt afraid all of a sudden and cold sweat formed at his back. Literally a cold feeling rushing down from his spine.

It was like, a deamon was going to eat him alive. He gulped some air and didn't know what to do. He stopped midway still looking at X with his jet black hair and his well formed body for a human. It was like, behind the beautiful boy he was, there was a nightmare hidden inisde him, ready to trample anyone who gets close.

Thirdy tried to look around with to his companions and he saw that they are still talking to each other casually, except for Kyler who seems to feel the amazing bloodlust coming from X. He had this crazy smile but at the same time, his eyes show that he was afraid.

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