14. Horror movies and warm blankets

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Jeongguk had to go to the bank for some work. When he came outside the bank after his work was done, he saw that it was raining and this time he even forgot to keep an umbrella with him.

He curses under his breath as he starts to run towards the near bus stop. He realises that reaching Namjoon's apartment back would take a lot of time and he will totally get drenched before even reaching there.

So looking at the weather and the situation he decides to stop by at his and Taehyung's apartment, as it was very near the bank.

He looks at the bus schedule for the bus that will drop him at the bus station near the apartment and waits for it to come. Till then he keeps himself busy with phone and wonders what Taehyung might be doing right now.

As the bus arrives he gets on it and sees the weather getting even worse. It soon started raining really heavily.

He just hopes he won't get all drenched till he reaches the apartment.

The bus comes to a stop minutes later and Jeongguk gets off and uses his jacket to cover himself up as he runs in a full bullet train speed towards the apartment complex.

He finally reaches there and sighs in relief. All his clothes were drenched and he was feeling cold. So he makes his way towards the lift and presses the floor of their apartment.

As soon as the lift opens the door to their floor and Jeongguk gets out, the lights went out.

Jeongguk thinks that he got lucky, or he might have had to be stuck in the lift...

Eventually he makes his way towards the main door of their apartment and knocks on it.

He gets no response so he Knocks again.

Again no response.

Now he gets worried as he twists the door handle to see if the door was unlocked but it was locked from the inside.

So he searches in his damp pockets of the jeans to find the duplicate key Mrs. Kang gave them on paying the rent to her.

He unlocks the door and gets inside. He slowly gets inside as he hears no sound but then he hears,


He gets worried to death as he hears Taehyung scream.

"TAE!!!? Are you ok??"

"Gukkiiee?? Is that you!!??"

He again hears Taehyung but this time the voice was calmer than before but still shrill from shock.

Before he could say anything the lights came back and now he could see Taehyung, all wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on a sofa with a packet of chips in his hands and his eyes wide.

He quickly hangs his jacket on the empty coat hanger and runs towards Taehyung and crouches down in front of him.

"Tae!? What happened? Why were you screaming?? " He asks worried.

"I-I thought y-you, you" Suddenly the TV switches on once again and the movies starts to play again. This time directly showing a ghost's face to which Taehyung just covers his face and eyes with the blanket, scared.

Jeongguk looks behind and then understands the situation. "Ohh so you thought I was, I was a ghost? " He says trying his best not to laugh.

"Y-yes maybe?" Came a muffled voice from inside the blanket.

He removes the blanket from Taehyung's face and looks into his eyes.

"Now do you see a ghost?? " He asks quietly still looking directly into Taehyung's hazel eyes.

"N-no" Taehyung shakes his head, his hair falling all over the place and his cheeks cherry red and a pout on his lips, making him look absolutely adorable.

Jeongguk just controls himself from engulfing him in a big hug. He clears his throat and says,

"T-that's great..." He breaks the never-ending-by-choice eye contact with Taehyung.

Taehyung also flustered looks down.

"By the way w-what made you come here? And look at you, you are all drenched. You should change your clothes or else you will catch cold." He says completely out of his flustered state now.

He was worried since Jeongguk was the one to catch cold easily.

"Calm down... Actually I had some work in the nearby bank and when I came outside it started raining so I decided to come here till the rain stops as Namjoon hyung's house is quite afar." Jeongguk replies now starting to feel cold.

"But I think I'll have to stay the night here now, seeing the rain storm. " He again says looking outside the window to the non stop rain.

"It's ok but first go and change clothes or take a hot shower. I'll make you some soup so that you won't catch cold" Taehyung says, as he untangles himself from the warm blanket and walks towards the kitchen.

It's hard for both of them to understand what turn their relationship will take now... Sometimes they are normal with each other just like now but sometimes they are like really awkward.

Jeongguk just hopes they find their answers soon.

But now he just wants a hot shower so he takes his jacket from the hanger and proceeds towards the bathroom as Taehyung makes soup for him.


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