Thirty five

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"Who are you!"collins yelled as the intruder scurried down the stairs.

We jumped down the stairs in hot pursuit ignoring the students who rushed out of their classroom to stare at us.

Wisdom paused to pant, "Stop! Let's have an adult conversation."

"We aren't Adults!" Jed grumbled, kicking off one of his shoes and aiming it at the stalkers head but he took another flight.

"Stop!"I screamed.

We chased  after him until we were out the building. He ran past the garden, stepping on some flowers.
"Hey! Collins yelled with renewed anger.
"That was my favorite rose!"

We chased him, till he decided to run into some strange building. He was running until he had his back turned against a wall. He stared at us mortified.Collins was at his right, and Jed on his left. Wisdom started flexing his muscles for practice.

"Who are you?" Collings growled.

He brought out a knife, " stay away or I'm gonna ... step back!"

Collins ignored him moving even closer,

"I'm gonna ask again and you finna answer me this time. Who are you? What do you guys want with the girls?"

"Girls?" He chuckled and pointed at Collins.

"Is this what you think? A little kidnap of girls. This is more than that. More than your little brains can comprehend. Greater than life and even death itself. It's the Rebellion!"

"The rebellion?" I repeated.

"Seems like your parents kept you in the mud. Each and every one of you. You will see!"

At that moment, We heard stamping feets, terrified shrieks and .. the shot.

He smirked, "seems like it has already begun."

"I'd advice you to run while you still can, even though we both know you......"

Dennis sprinkled a strange object on his eyes and he staggered back, using his head to his the wall.

"Ever heard of sands?" He paused, "you guys okay?"

"Yeah."Wisdom said, he turned to the building.

"But I ain't sure the girls are!"

"Ladies and gentlemen" a strange voice boomed. A group of girls started running towards our direction and stopped.

"We're aware that some sort of rebellion has begun and while we shall do our best to ensure that the leaders are eliminated and destroyed. We advice every other student to remain hidden and wait for further instructions. I think you agree with me." The voice chuckled.

"That's it's rather time the boys put their self defense to the test."

Dylan punched the walls "Bastards!"

"No!" One of the girls screamed as she immediately fainted.

"Tinu!" Her friend yelled, shaking her.

"Tinu has asthma!" She sobbed.

Jed ran next to her and helped raise her friend.

He hollered, "Let's all get out of here!"

"So we die?" Collins shrugged.

"No" wisdom glanced around and removed an abandoned mop from its bucket.

"We fight!"

We fight!!!!!!

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