Chapter 3; Stumbling

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Stumbling: to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip. Or to make a slip, mistake, or blunder, especially a sinful one:


I am not an angel, I am not a God. I do not know everything, and like every other human, I do make mistakes. I wrote a song today, It was based on my mistakes. How after every storm there's a rainbow, and how through darkness you can find light; but most of all, how after every heartbreak, that one will come along. When I thought I was buried, you dug me back up. How I stumbled and stabbed into the dark, but your soul brightened my path. How after every stupid, dumb, and worthless mistake, you changed those stars, you controlled what happened next, and I loved that.

This world is black.

You are the color.

Illuminating through the cracks.

And we just continue to grow smaller.

We are surrounded by countless lies.

But the world disappears when you speak.

Us together stops time's pass by.

And how what seemed to be a strong lust has now grown weak.

The death of me has now taken place.

My soul rests.

The recreation of us creates a new face.

How our joy spreads every direction, not just west.

Together its truth, apart its lie.

As I call you from the booth, to be informed when my angel will cry.



Thanks so much for all the support, it really does help me write and connect with you guys. I wasn't too sure about this chapter, but I guess we'll see what you think. Once again thanks so much for all the support, I can't tell you how thankful I am.

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