I Know

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Amber tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as she took a sip of her wine, not breaking eye contact with Hyunjin. He felt a wave of something resembling nausea wash over him as her eyes lingered for far too long. It made his skin crawl, they way she looked from him to the wine glass expectantly. 

He put his lips the rim, letting the liquid hit his mouth to give the illusion that he had taken a sip. She believed it, he guessed, by the way she offered a soft smile that didn't reach her eyes. She filled the silence with a heavily one sided conversation about trivial things for a while, passing an astonishing amount of time. It would have impressed Hyunjin if he wasn't bored to death while missing his home.

"Do you like working for me?" Amber asked, for once her intense gaze diverting from Hyunjin and landing on the soon to be updated living room. 

Hyunjin cleared his throat before answering. "Yes, it's been wonderful"

"I'm glad," She responded, stretching up and allowing her cardigan to fully fall off her shoulders. "It's going to be nice to have somebody in the house. It gets lonely here all day just stuck with my thoughts"

Hyunjin wondered how she expected him to reply. The conversation was quickly turning too personal for his liking, especially since it was their first time meeting in person. "I bet it does"

"My husband," She began, gritting her teeth as she reflected on him. "He's not much of a romantic, you know? The type to stay out way too late and never give me the time of day"

"That sounds horrible" He replied, trying his best to sound sympathetic. It wasn't that he didn't feel bad for her, sure he did, but there was something about her that put him on edge. He was hardly listening to her words because he was trying to plan a way out of the conversation that wouldn't seem too rude. He needed this job, so openly offending her wasn't an option.

"It is," She sighed, pacifying herself with another sip. "Tell me, would you ever treat your wife in a such a way?"

What kind of question was that? Hyunjin didn't have much time to harp on it because she was rising from her seat and sashaying to be next to him. 

Suddenly she was tilting Hyunjin's chin up towards her to force the eye contact he had been avoiding for a while now. "You wouldn't treat me like that, would you?"

Hyunjin went rigid in his seat, clenching his whole body as she looked at the clock for a split second. 

She continued in Hyunjin's silence. "You wouldn't leave me here all alone with nothing to do all day and expect me to be happy. No, no. I bet you're a romantic, hm? An artistic type?"

"Amber..." Hyunjin began slowly, hoping to let her down gently so he could keep this job against all odds. 

She laughed. "I don't deserve this!"

The first thought that came to Hyunjin's mind when he heard the front door open was finally. Someone was here to save him from this torturous pressure she was obviously applying. He could escaped, unscathed. 

It didn't occur to him that the person coming home would be her husband. 

"Amber?" Felix asked as he walked in, kicking off his shoes and rolling his shoulders. He noticed that the kitchen light was on, which usually indicated she was waiting to start a fight with him as soon as he walked through the door. Still, he hoped there was an apology waiting for him. 

Before he reach the kitchen her heard the screech of a chair against the floor, a gasp he knew didn't belong to Amber, and a glass shattering. 

He ran in, expecting the worse, and was met with something much more confusing than concerning. 

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