Chapter 4; Smile

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Smile: to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement.

June, you are as beautiful as the days within. Bright white smiles, like the blinding sun. On routine you cry every night, just to provide for us. You're a fighter June, and I am too. We don't let those weakening thoughts get to our head, we take hold of the strong thoughts. The imaginable words that will empower us in the spotlight on stage. When pianos echo and guitars resonate, you will cry for some money. We are desperate, and we are looking for that sun, whether it be the thoughts that empower us, or that eye blinding smile.

White lights blind us.

But you enjoy the brightness.

Normally when the light finds us.

I become frightened.

Through every word and the power of our souls.

All my fear is diminished.

As the crowds now call.

I knew this wouldn't be finished.

Returning with sweaty hands.

And an encouraged heart.

Throughout every word traveling across the lands.

Begins a new starts.

You June, are an angel crying, inspiring every being.

While exhilarated with the sensational feeling of flying.

Reality is what we're fleeing.

Poetry may rhyme and catchy songs may be sung.

But there is nothing more motivational than your smile and the pitches from your lungs.



Yikes!! I didn't know where I was going with this but I still hope that you enjoy it, I used the word sun as a reference to Strength Behind Recovery.

"The sun that empowers our every move" So whether it be our thoughts or our smiles or something amazing, the sun that gets us out of bed is what empowers us.

Further more the thoughts part was a reference to the prologue.

"We are strengthened by the thoughts of others, and weakened by those same thoughts." So what we think people think can weaken or strengthen us, because they show it through their emotions and facial expressions.

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