Chapter Two: Tequila Flatliners.

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I'm sorry for how rushed and disjointed this chapter is...but i'm impatient to get to the good stuff! Besides, rushed and disjointed is kind of how it is when you're drunk...hahahahaaaa Next chapter Darcie meets Bash ;)

Video above: Stevie Wonder -Superstition (Funkanomics Remix.) -Listen as you read!

Picture above: Tito (Simon Nessman.)

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(C) Copyright SJCLewis 2015. All rights reserved.

The Gecko was fairly lively by the time the party arrived, though they didn't have to queue for too long to be admitted.Once inside, Darcie practically threw her jacket at the cloakroom attendant, before heading in search of alcohol. As always, a crowd of people stood drinking and laughing around the first bar, intermingling with those queuing for service. Without checking to see if anyone had followed, Darcie plunged into the throng and shouldered her way obnoxiously through the little crowd to the front. A few moments later Tito appeared beside her, a familiar grin plastered across his face.

"What will the birthday girl have to drink?" he asked loudly over the music, leaning towards her slightly and placing a hand lightly upon the small of her back to draw her closer. "My treat!"

"That's all-right, Man!" she pretty much yelled back. "I got it!" She patted his shoulder briefly in thanks before turning fully to scan the menu of shots scrawled in chalk on the blackboard above them. Tito opened his mouth to protest, but before he could insist, Darcie leaned forward and shouted her order to the heavily tattooed man behind the bar.

"Two Flatliners and a double house rum and coke, please!"

Tito frowned slightly as the rough-looking bartender gave Darcie a slow smile and nodded in assent.

"Seven fifty then please, love!"

Darcie dug around in her purse and pulled our a crumpled ten pound note. She handed it to him.


The barman handed Darcie her change before moving to construct the mixer and two shots she'd ordered. As he added Tabasco to the flat-liners, Tito made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat.

"Such a vile shot." he remarked, wincing. "I hate the Tabasco!"

He pretended to recoil as the shots were placed in front of them. Darcie grinned evilly.

"Well, suck it up, buttercup!" she replied laughingly, nudging one of the shots towards him and seizing the other. "That's for you!"

Tito looked momentarily astounded. "But It's you're birthday!" he whined. "People buy you drinks. That's how it works..."

Darcie smirked. "What would make my birthday perfect - would be for you to take this gross shot with me."

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