Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Edward's POV –

After Bella's sister and her brother ushered Bella to move, I was left standing alone in the darkness again.

"Why didn't she speak to me," I asked, aiming the question at both Jake and Seth. None of them seem to be able to speak from some reason.

"Come on Jake, we better get him back to Sam," Seth said to Jacob.

"This won't be pretty, Sam will go crazy," Jake sighed.

"What the hell is going on?" I grunted, beginning to lose my cool again.

"Calm down, Edward," Jacob said.

"Edward, you imprinted on Bella," Seth explained.

"What? Is that even possible?" I whispered. In the back of my mind it all made sense. The instant pull, the connection I felt, everything. I knew it, however, I didn't know if I liked it. Obviously

"Let's just get you back to Sam, 'til he rips my head off for this," Jake sighed.

So we all headed back to Forks because we went to my house first. All of us agreed and thought it would be best, if the Elders were there and my father. Jacob thought I needed some sort of protection as Sam wasn't good with the whole imprinting business. When Quill imprinted on Claire a few weeks back Sam couldn't face it, he thought it was wrong. Emily wasn't too happy about her three-year-old niece being imprinted on either. And if I'm honest I could sort of see where everyone was coming from, especially with Claire being so young. It was known that Quil didn't see Claire that way. He was her protector and her brother, at least for now. We all had the wrong end of the stick and she was the most protected toddler in the universe.

Once we arrived in La Push Jacob called Sue, Seth's mother. As Seth's father had died, a few weeks before my mother passed, she has taken his position in the tribe's Council. She got the message to Old Quil and he turned up with Quil, and to my surprise Sam.

"Edward, you really need to stay in human form here. If you phase Sam will see it as a threat, it will make things worse," Jacob informed me, in a low whisper.

I understood. I made a promise to myself that I would stay in control – it had to be mastered anyways. Especially if I was to be there for or with Bella and all I really wanted at this precise moment was to be with her. I now understood the pain wolves were in being away from their imprints. I wanted to go over to her place and tell her everything, sort through this mess.

Everyone who need to be here was and Jacob looked at me, with his eyes he told me I should be the one to tell him.

"Sam," I started. "I know that this may come as a shock and I still haven't got my head around it. I don't know how it is possible or what it means and you probably won't like it but I only want you to try and understand."

"Understand what?" He interrupted.

"I need you to understand. Just like people understand you and Emily and like you have begun to understand Quill and Claire," I paused, watching is eyes grow tighter. I decided just to get it out.

"I imprinted on Bella."

Sam stumbled a few steps towards me, but I stayed strongly rooted to the place I was standing. All eyes were on Sam, except for my fathers. He was looking at me, with some sort of pride in his which touched me.

"You have done what?" Sam exclaimed.

"I imprinted on Bella," I repeated cooly.

Sam's jaw clenched and he started trembling. The quivers rippled involuntarily down my back, I reminded myself what Jacob had said. I needed to stay in control. I exhaled through my mouth and inhaled through my nose, regaining my composure. After a few seconds I was still again.

"You can't have, it's not possible to imprint on a vampire," he stated. That annoyed me.

"Well, you of all people should know we have no control over who it happens with," I bit back, looked at Sue. I told her with my eye's I was sorry. She nodded. Leah, wasn't here, I wish she was. She knew how much I hated Sam for what he did to her. And Leah wasn't all that bad, she was quite funny once you got to know her.

My statement must have hit a nerve because just then with no warning Sam exploded into a giant wolf. His back paws landed heavily on the dirt in front of me, I didn't move a muscle. I paid the price for it though. Just before Sam landed on his two front paws, his right claw caught my neck and shoulder, piercing the skin there.

"Fuck," I shrieked, because of the pain. I put my hand over the gash on my neck. Immediately my dad flew to my side.

"Dad, stay back and get into the house all of you," I commanded, authority dripping from my words.

Everyone except Seth and Jacob went into the house. Sam fled, still in his wolf form. Once he was away Seth and Jacob heaved me from the ground and carried me into the house.

"He needs to get seen to," Sue said.

"I'll take him to the ER," my Dad panicked.

"Charlie, we can't to do that, his temperature is too high for a human," Billy imputed.

"What about his healing?" Seth asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine," I told them as I shut my eyes.

"No Edward, you need to be seen to," my Dad insisted.

"Fine, take me to Dr Cullen," I challenged. Just then the darkness swept in, but I wouldn't give in to it. I was aware of hands hauling me and suddenly I was in Jacob's car, lying over my father's lap. I would see Bella soon. It made me nervous, we haven't spent time together in over two weeks. That thought seemed to make the darkness heavier and it was adamant it would win but I wouldn't let it as I tried to push it away.

"Dad, are we nearly there?" I muttered, quietly.

"Not too much farther to go," Dad informed me.

"About 10 minutes," Jake shouted from the driver's seat. He was obviously breaking the speed limit – with a cop in the car. But my father didn't care right now.

I began to wonder, why am I lying like this? Why am I struggling to hold on? Surely my wound should have stopped bleeding and healed altogether? Something wasn't right and everyone knew it. I could hear the panic in their words and worry on their face – I was in trouble. The darkness kept creeping in, getting heavier and heavier, before devouring me completely.


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