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"Everyone to the van now." Mom yells at us kids. Mom must've seen the confused look on my face because she said, "It has to do with Ross." Great, what did he do now? I swear if one of my little brothers were arrested, I will be mad at him.

We arrive at, the hospital? Great, what did Ross do?

"Now kids, before we go inside, I want to tell you what happened to Ross." Mom said. I looked over at Roxy, and we made eye contact. Her eyes showed fear in them. I walked over, and put my arm around her shoulders to try and comfort her if the news is what we fear the most. "The doctor called, and said Ross was in a sever car accident, and he was going in surgery at that time. I haven't gotten any updates on him, so we need to hurry and get in there." Mom said. Roxy started crying, and I pulled her into my chest, trying to sooth her.


My twin brother was in a car accident. My other half of me could be dead right now, and I don't know it. I started crying, and Riker pulled me close to him. He was trying to calm me down, but it didn't work. The tears just kept coming. I felt someone pick me up bridal style, and carry me into the hospital. Riker.

"Excuse me? What room is Ross Lynch in?" I heard him ask. "248, you can go up and see him, but be a little careful, he's in a coma." I heard the nurse say.

I jump out of Broker's arms. "HE'S WHAT?" I scream. "Calm down, he doesn't look important to Me." The snobby nurse said. Excuse me? I tried jumping out to hit her, but Riker held me back from my waist. "LET ME AT HER RIKER. LET ME GO. NOW." I yell, beyond angry at that bitch of a nurse. "Calm down, we will go see him now if you want." Riker said. I got out from his tight grasp, and ran to the elevator. When I got there, I saw Ratliff about to close the doors. "WAIT ELL, I'M COMING, DON'T LET THE DOORS CLOSE." I yell, once again, but this time, not angry.

He opened the doors, and I got in. He just wrapped me un a hug. Me and Ellington are really close. Almost as close as him and Rydel. "I'm sorry about Ross. I know this can be upsetting to you." He says. I just nod.

We soon found his room, and looked worse than I thought. Poor Ross. I thought. He had bruises everywhere, scratches everywhere, had a broken leg, broken left arm, broken right wrist, and 2 broken ribs. I expected much less. I went over to Rocky, the only one who wasn't crying. "H-he was h-hit by a s-semi truck, and d-doctors say he won't w-wake up." Rocky stutters. I hug him and break down, at least there are no head injuries.


I hear my family crying. Come on Ross, open your damn eyes, I think to myself. I feel someone grab my hand, I think Roxy. I get a blast of energy, and open my eyes. I'm blinded by the light.


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