Beginning Of An End

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Reality hurts.That's a fact and even if you don't learn to face it or how to,that shit ain't going nowhere but stare right back at you to deal with it and that is a tough one to swallow to others,to some,well i guess they don't have much of a choice to blink it in,accepts your fate as it is and as it was,even tragedy.

Like this story that starts with a man in his late 60's,wearing his old leather cowboy hat,leaving early from an wide open field with his old crappy red pickup truck,hoping to even reach its destination even just by a mile but alas,life has always been rough on him that it finally puts an end of his suffering that would cause such an impact a few more days later after his demise like a calm before the storm.He didn't even make it to cross the state that his truck collided with a tree after he had struggle breathing in a heart attack.With the speed of 65mph on a rural interstate highway,all the sound that could be heard was only the sound of his truck skidded against the asphalt leaving skid marks of his impairment before the crash which is the last thing he does before his strength let's go while his breath runs out from him.The moment he knew that something's wrong with him,he reeled his directions off the road and face his fate.
Although his truck wasn't really badly beaten,he had already died before the impact.Birds flew disturbingly away from inhabiting the tree from its impact like how his miserable life was release wildly out in the open.
The sad part is,nobody knew.Nobody saw how cruel his life had been for him except for the last people that barely knew him recently and the few folks that trusted him during his last remaining days but this moment,not one even witness how he draw his last breath.No one saw how he close his eyes one last time.Nobody saw this last moments.
Nobody,not even one knew that he died that day until...


A phone call rings to a man who would receives the report of his tragedy and finally,somebody would know about his passing.Even if its just a few couple of people,at least someone would know.
Someone would grieve,someone would shed a tear and at least someone would miss his life no matter how miserable it was lived even for a short while.

Couple of days after that call,a man holding his old leather brown akubra hat in his chest with all the rest of the farmers workers who were gathered around in silence so solemnly was somewhat in a deep thought.Nobody even said one single thing and nobody even breathe an utter sound,their silence was speaking so loud that they're afraid to break its moment like its somewhat sacred and or perhaps afraid of the tall person they all respect in manners of work ethics,their boss,who's scowl never left his face ever since.
Nobody knew if he's mad or he's just pissed and no one would even dare try to question him of what made him hate the world that much.There is one once but they've already buried that person as they speak.The rest of the workers grieves of losing him not for just him being a good and a humbled man but also because he's the only who wasn't even intimidated by their boss's grumpy attitude.The workers who have worked longer than that person really felt such great loss.They bare witnessed at how their boss's changed the same way how time changes over the course of years and they all knew his life's story that made him that way.Perhaps that's one thing that he shared similarities with the man the they all surely missed as they all watched the slight mound of dirt.Perhaps that's also why the boss was mad or pissed about,losing a trusted comrade in life was just not as easy as also losing a family member or a lover.

Both of them in comparison have had a tough life yet one still had a positive outlook in life,still smiled humbly at things and still appreciates little things in life compared to the other who was left standing in the other one's final resting ground.He's the only one knew what the man's been to and how life is cruel to both of them and if it wasn't for that man's request of leave for his daughters wedding,he wouldn't have let him go if that man would end up here cold six feet in his ground.
The workers who were already in tiptoes watching their boss hardened his jaw,somehow prayed along to their fallen colleague that their boss would be less strict and merciful now that he's back to his old usual self.
Some say that he ain't usually that way before and some would say that he does so they,as workers don't know where to stand their ground except to follow his stern demands as long as they do and got paid with their job and as long as they don't cross him.The boss who was the complete opposite of the man who he once was and also from the man that they had all gathered that day.The only man who could sail calmly through the danger of their boss's brooding waters,old Joe Hitch would be surely miss.

Even if his on his prime,old Joe Hitch still gone too soon to some.

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