Chapter 5: The Dinner

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"It feels good to stare at the person you love. Feels good to think that you're together. Feels good to dream and to hope. But it hurts when you are staring at him and see he is staring at others." — Unknown


Lauren's POV

"Dinner is ready. Shall we all head to the dining room?" theia Beatriz announced to everyone. They all rose from their seat and followed her. Just as we passed the grand winding stairsteps to the dining room, I heard my name being called.

"Lauren!" Christine's excited voice resonated around the grand foyer. I stop and swiveled to face her. She trotted down the grand winding stairs with her face glowing with exuberance.

I wonder what makes her so happy today? 

I smiled as I waited for her.

"Hi, Chrissy!!" I giggled and excitedly pulled her for a squeezy hug.

She giggled as she returned my hug. "How was your first day with my brother?" she asked rather teasing, pulling away, with her eyes dancing with mischief. I pouted petulantly, and she burst out giggling, then I frowned as I recalled how he ignored me the whole day, but I decided to keep it myself.

We followed the rest as we walked side by side. I completely ignored Zandros and the girl named Cassandra. Anderson was now talking to Zandros.

"It went well," I gave her a small smile, "although, your brother ignored me most times, but other than that, it went well. I met some guys that were nice, and I made a new friend!" I exclaimed excitedly as Naeah crosses my mind.

"Really?" she squealed as she hooks her hand into my inner elbow.

"Yeah," I nodded my head enthusiastically "her name is Naeah, and she's Zandros' secretary," I added, my eyes twinkling as the scene this morning flashes in my head. "Guess what?" I giggled recalling how she corrected Mr. Brute.

"What?" she grinned, staring at me expectantly.

I stop and she stops, too. Facing her, I darted my eyes to Zandros and I realized they are ahead of us already, and averted it back to her as I spoke softly. "She looked at your brother defiantly and corrected him with her name. Your brother mistook her as Eirie, you know ... your brother's previous secretary," she nodded her head in recognition and I continued on "Naeah rectified him with head held high," I caught the bottom of my lip between my teeth to stifle the laughter that about to burst out, but my eyes couldn't hide the amusement.

Chrissy let out a giggle with her eyes filled with amusement. "I wish I was there ..." she laughs louder, causing everyone to looked at us curiously.

I widened my eyes at her trying to stop her from giggling as we both caught up with the rest. When we entered the grand dining room, theia Beatriz was already sitting on theios Vladimir's right side, while the other was sitting in the middle of the oval dining table. Then across theios Vladimir seated his brother-in-law Andre and his wife on his left side. Cassandra sat in between her mother and Zandros, they were sitting across theia Beatriz, with Mr. Kostopoulis on theios Vladimir's left side. Anderson was still standing waiting for us to seat. Anderson took the seat beside his mother. I sat beside Anderson and Chrissy then took the chair beside me.

Not long, the food was served. Soon everyone's attention shifted to the mouthwatering meal.

"So Lauren, do you have a boyfriend?" Anderson suddenly asked causing me to stop midway of slicing my pork. I could feel everyone's eyes staring at me expectantly, waiting for my response.

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