chapter 15 ⚠️

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jisung laid minho on the bed and hoverd over him kissing him roughly and bitting his lips...minho whimpered from pain and pushed jisung but he was to strong and couldent push him of so he tapped on his sholder..jisung got annoyed and pulled of glareing at minho who was breathing hevely...

jisung: (coldly) what!..
minho: t-take it slow p-please...
jisung: i know what im doing min...
minho: o-okay...
jisung: naw get up and take your clouthse of..
minho: o-ok...

minho got up and took his clothse of while jisung watched him while lucking his lips..minho just stayed still afred of what the beast infront if him could do to him...

jisung: come here...

minho walked slwoly until he was infront of him...

jisung: get on your knees..
minho: huh..
jisung: i seid get on your knees you slut.

minho flinched and quickly got on his knees infront of jisung...

jisung: take it of...

minho unbuckled jisungs belt and pulled his member out with shakey hands..his eyes widdened seeing jisung's huge and hard rock member...

jisung: suck...

minho gluped and looked at jisungs eyes then back at his member getting his face closer and hels his member with his small hands and licked the tip wich made jisung throw his head back...minho took him member into his mouth and started sucking him of...

jisung: is that all you can take...

jisung grabed minhos head and thrusted upwords hitting the back of minhos throat makeing him choke..
tears appired in the corner of minhos eyes...jisung fucked minhos mouth plessuring himself until he came inside minhos mouth...

jisung: swallo it baby...

minho did as he was told although his throat hurt he still did what he was told to do...

jisung picked minho up and placed him on his lap caresing his waist and his hand going down to his ass entering a finger in wich made minho breath hitch..

jisung: naw ride me..

minho looked at jisung who was smirking..soon he got up and places jisungs dick infront of his tight hole and  pushed in slowly  until jisung's whole langth was inside him...

minho: ahh~ sungie~..
jisung: ( grip minhos thigh tight ) its not sungie you slut...
minho: ah-mhh~ daddy~..
jisung: ( smirk ) that right you slut..

minho started jumping up and down makeing it look preaty for jisung...

jisung: ah~god look at you looking so preaty for daddy...
minho: d-daddy's so big mmh~

afert some more thrusts jisung came inside minho while minho on both of there stomach...

this went on for like 3 hours..after the 3 hours thay stopped and fell asleep while jisung was still inside minho...
nope thay didnt shower nor change the sheets thay sleept like that all sticky and dirty bic thay were to tired to do anything pluse drunk...wonder what will happen tomprrow..

an: guess what today my mom came and visited me like every other day but today she brought my cat along with her..i missed my cat ( simba ) so much and my mom seid he missed me to bic eveyday he would go to my room and start meowing loud like his trying to call me and today he fell asslep in my arms he missed me so much...his 5 years old btw...and bye i hope you like this nasty chapter....

enemies to loversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora