Season 9 Episode 22: Stairway to Heaven Pt 2

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*Okay guys, looks like we'll be wrapping up the season a little earlier than expected. Two pretty major things to celebrate. One of the largest groups as far as tags go, is #deanwinchester, with over 23000 applicable stories. You have put Robin in the top 100! Also my first post broke 500 views! So thank you guys so much. 

Down side when I post the finale, I made the return date Sept 11th.  In the mean time, I do have another SPN fan fiction that has been "completed" (plan to bring back and do some stuff with it.) It starts mid season 11, and if you like the darker stories and love Crowley, Rowena and Lucifer, you might like this one. You may also start to understand some of Belphegor's lines in this story. 

Leaving the SPN fandom, I also have a Sons of Anarchy story called, Samcro Princess. Again with the dark side. That one I made 2 original characters, from the male's perspective in the first (actually second) season.  

I did have another fan fic I unpublished that I may or may not work on during the break, but we'll see. I also had an original story that I unpublished, but I really wanted to tweak too. Alright, that's enough rambling. Back to the story. *

"Tessa, allow me to introduce my girlfriend, Robin Singer" Dean spat out quickly. "Robin allow me to introduce you to Tessa, my reaper."

"We're not exclusive" Tessa shrugged.

"We are" Robin shrugged back before she looked to Dean. "Your reaper?"

"We met a while back when I was circling the drain" Dean replied. "When dad sold his soul."

"To Yellow Eyes" Robin confirmed, with a nod. "But why is she here?"

"Robin Singer" Tessa gazed at her. "Daughter of Bobby Singer?"

"That's right" she nodded pursing her lips.

"Your father is legendary" she nodded. "Outran Henry for a while there on his deathbed. Bound and determined to save his little girl before he was gone."

"Mission accomplished" Robin replied.

"Apparently" Tessa nodded. "Just so you know, your reaper is already getting ready for the same fight with you."

"Her reaper has to go through me" Dean snarled.

"You think every reaper in existence wouldn't be up for that" Tessa asked?

"But why is she here" Robin interrupted, repeating exactly what she'd asked before?

Before anyone had opportunity to speak, Hannah stepped in the room with two other angels and surveyed them all. "You wounded her" Hannah nodded in Tessa's direction.

"More like "defused," okay" Dean rebutted? "I cut up that old testament graffiti she carved into herself. I figured that would break the spell."

"Your reaper was a suicide bomber" Robin asked?

"Like the one in the video" he nodded to her.

"What do you plan to do with her" Hannah asked?

"Guess" Dean snarled taking out his angel blade.

"Torture. Typical" One of the angels huffed.

"If she gives us what we need it won't come to that" Robin nodded to them. "We need to know how many are on this suicide squad."

"No. I won't allow it" Hannah snapped. "I know what Tessa was planning. It's horrible, but there's only one person who can punish her."

"Let me guess" Dean's eyes narrowed. "Yea big, trench coat, sensible shoes?"

"You have to understand that Castiel is the only thing holding us together" Hannah attempted to reason with Dean. "A month ago, half the angels in this place were trying to kill the other half. Castiel has given us a purpose. But more than that, he has given us a way to live in peace. We have rules. Order. If I let you take matters into your own hands, what's to stop one of them from doing the same? You can talk to her. You should talk to her. But leave the Blade outside. Both of you."

"Are you asking or telling" Dean challenged?

"We're not asking" the other angel replied.

Dean glared at the angel, but a grin grew across his face. Eventually he handed his blade over to Hannah and Robin did the same. The angels started out the door and Robin followed after them. "Hannah" Robin called after the angel. "We're trying to help."

"Help" Hannah scoffed. "All the Winchesters have ever done is bring pain, you should know that better than most."

"The Winchesters always try to do what's right" Robin defended.

"For them" Hannah snapped back.

"Bullshit" Robin replied. "Both of those men have been to hell and back, literally to save this world. And demons and angels alike have shit on them every step of the way.'

A blinding light filled the hallway, coming from the interrogation room. Robin was the first to burst in the door and saw Tessa's vessel on the floor. Dean stood over her with the first blade in his hand.

"Dean" Robin looked at him horrified. "What have you done?"

Before another word could be said they clamped shackles around each of their wrists. Dean dropped the blade and before Robin could perform a spell Hannah stepped in front of her. "Enochian can overpower some whore witch" she told her.

Robin spat in her face, and she back handed her. Dean headbutted the angel who had him and elbowed another to get to Robin. It took five angels to subdue him into a chair and strap him down. "Don't fight Dean," Robin told him. "They're not gonna hurt you. What would Castiel think" Robin taunted?

"You are pushing it whore" Hannah snapped.

"Y'know what makes this all real interesting" Robin sneered. "How these angels are scared of a human and as they always love to put it, a whore."

"Tie the whore up" Hannah snarled.

Robin was dragged to another chair and placed back to back with Dean.

They put warding on the floor around them and Robin leaned back in her seat, her head landing on Dean's shoulder.

"What do we do with them" an angel asked?

"Nothing" Hannah snapped. "Castiel will be back soon."

They slammed the door behind them. "That was kinda hot" he chuckled to her.

"Shut up" she snapped. "You told Sam you would leave it at home."

"That's what you're mad at me for" he asked in surprise? "Not that I skewered a reaper?"

"It was either a valid reason or the blade took the wheel" Robin grumbled. "Which was it?"

"Option three" he told her. "She ran into it, killed herself. Thanked me."

"Your reaper was fucked up" Robin replied.

"You're tellin me" he shook his head.

There was a long silence and Robin's voice barely pierced it when she asked, "why'd you bring it Dean?"

"You know why" he growled.

Not another word was spoken until the door to the room flew opened and Cas and Sam stormed in.

"They put up a fight" Hannah scrambled to defend her actions to her commander.

"Get out" Castiel roared at her.

Sam headed for Dean to release him, while Cas turned his attention to Robin.

"You should have seen the other 10 guys" Dean joked.

"What happened to your lip" Castiel asked Robin?

"Hannah" she shrugged. "I spat in her face when she chained me and called me a whore...interesting since she brought out the kinky shit."

"Is this funny to you" Cas asked her?

"It's a coping mechanism" she replied.

Castiel turned his attention to Dean. "They said you killed Tessa?"

"Not so much" Dean sighed getting to his feet. "She knifed herself."

"Yeah" Sam snapped? "Why would she do that, Dean?"

"I don't know, Sam" Dean repeated his accusatory tone. "She was saying all kinds of crap."

"So that's why you brought out the First Blade?" Sam wasn't beating around the bush anymore.

"They told you about that, huh" Dean asked playfully?

"We had a deal" Sam boomed

"Yeah, well, it was a stupid deal" Dean boomed back.

"Really? 'Cause if you'd stuck to it, Tessa would still be alive" Sam pulled no punches. "Without her, we ain't got jack.:

"Yeah, you think I don't know that" Dean roared.

"Enough" Robin snapped. "I don't give a shit about your little premenstrual pissing match right now."

The door swung opened and Hannah stepped in, looking startled.
"Commander, I'm sorry, but you have a call...From Metatron."

Castiel exchanged looks with the three of them before he led the way to a computer set up for a video chat. Every angel in the building had congregated in that room.

"Castiel" Metatron's sneer came across the screen. "Bet you're not happy to see me."

"Is anyone ever" Dean spat?

"Dean, always with the B-grade '80s-action-movie wit" he replied.

"What do you want, Metatron" Sam snapped?

"Just to tell ass-tiel, there, that I'm still alive" Metatron glowered. "His bomber failed."

"You talk about b-grade wit and come up with ass-tiel" Robin snorted?

"My bomber" Castiel questioned?

"The crazy guy. Big knife. Kablooey" Metatron listed off. "I'm fine, thanks for asking, but Gadreel is wounded, and Tyrus - R.I.P. His followers are not your biggest fans, by the way. They've all come over to my team."

"I didn't send anyone to kill you" Castiel shook his head

"Oh, stop lying, Castiel" Metatron taunted.

"Who are you to lecture me on lying" Castiel slammed his fist on the table? "Your deception led to the fall."

"I did what I had to do" he replied. "I have always done what I have to do, for God and for the angels."

"Sure" Dean growled. "Yeah, you're Mother Teresa with neck beard."

"What I did was neither good nor bad" Metatron attempted to explain. "It was necessary -- a small hardship to make us all stronger, to make us a family again."

"Nothin says family like killing each other" Robin quipped.

"Okay, yes. Maybe I got a little carried away at first, but those days are over" Metatron agreed. "A near-death experience makes you re-evaluate. So, one time only, I'm offering amnesty. Every angel, no matter what their sin, may join me and return to heaven. I will be their God, and they can be my heavenly host."

"Why would we follow you" Hannah piped up?

"Well, look around. You've seen earth" he shrugged. "You've had a taste of free will. I got to ask you -- do you like it? I mean, the way you've flocked off to follow Castiel tells me you need to follow someone. It's in your DNA. But Cas -- he's not what you think he is. He sends angels out to die. Have you told them about your stolen Grace, Castiel? How it's fading away, and when it burns out, so will you?"

All eyes were on Cas, though no one said a word.

"So... No, then. I'm not the best, but I'm the best you've got" Metatron continued. "You want to stay with Castiel, fine, but he's playing you, because at the end of the day, the only thing he cares about is himself and the Hardy boys, and their little witchling there. You've got a choice to make. Make the right one." With his sign off, Metatron's call ended.

"He's lying" Castiel told them.

"About the Grace" Hannah asked?

"It's complicated" Cas shrugged

"So he wasn't lying?"

"He was about everything else" Cas defended. " believe me, don't you?"

"I want to believe you, but I... we need proof" Hannah nodded.

"Name it" Castiel nodded back

Hannah turned to face Dean. She pointed at him and looked back at Castiel. "Punish him."

"What" Robin and Dean asked in unison?

"He murdered Tessa" she explained "He broke our rules."

"Y'all can all go to hell" Dean growled and turned to leave but he was restrained by several angels.

Sam stepped to Dean's aid but was also subdued. Robin's eyes lit up and the angels near her took a step back before tackling her and pinning her to the ground.

"You gave us order, Castiel, and we gave you our trust" Hannah pleaded. "Don't lose it over one man." She told him handing him an angel blade. "This is justice."

"This is bull shit" Robin spat from the floor. The angels pressed their weight on her harder. She groaned, "Castiel, you're bitches in arms are giving you an ultimatum. We've offered you family."

"We're his family" Hannah shouted at her. "You know nothing about him."

"I know he likes the taste of hamburgers" she replied. "I know angels don't eat, but he likes them. I know he blushes easily and enjoys cartoons. I know he cares about people, probably more than he should. And he would land on a mine to save a friend. That's family. Not this cult."

Cas examined the blade in his hand and looked at his three friends. "No. I can't."

Hannah shook her head at him. "Goodbye, Castiel."

The angels slowly followed her out of the building until all that was left was the two Winchesters, the witchling and the trench coat clad angel.

The tension was palpable on the drive back to the bunker. Castiel was defeated. Robin was worried about Dean and the Winchesters, they were nearing their boiling point.

Robin was at the bottom of the stairs in the bunker with Dean right behind her when Sam spoke up.

"So, Dean, uh...are we gonna talk about this, or what?"

"About what? Yeah, I lied, but you were being an infant."

"Wow. Even for you, that apology sucked."

"Oh, I'm not apologizing. I'm telling you how it's gonna be."

"Dean, that Blade --"

"That Blade's the only thing that can kill Metatron, and I am the only one who can use from here on out, I'm calling the shots. Capisce? Look, until I jam that Blade through that douchebag's heart, we are not a team. This is a dictatorship. Now, you don't have to like it, but that's how it's gonna be" Dean looked over at Robin and Castiel. "Is that a problem?"

Sam stormed off down the hall to his room.

Dean looked to Robin for a reaction. "I dunno" she replied. Walking towards the hall.

She turned a corner to see Sam leaning up against the wall. He was concentrating as though she wasn't even there.

"Hey, you okay" she asked?

"I feel something" he explained. "A presence."

"What like Kevin is back" she asked?

"No" he shook his head "they aren't supposed to be here."

"Sam what the hell are you --." She stopped mid-sentence and realized who it was. Sam could feel them and no one else could.

She ran back out to the war room. "Aura lucete" she shouted gaining the attention of Cas and Dean.

There was a glow from the doorway across the room. Sam walked in behind Robin. He let out a warning call as an over lit aura walked into the room. As the aura began to fade it was revealed the other presence in the bunker was none other than Gadreel.

"I'm not here to fight" He put his hands up defensively. "I thought about what you said. You're right. Metatron, he's...something needs to be done."

"And we should trust you why" Sam challenged?

"Because I can give him to you" Gadreel nodded.

"And you said you'd heal Sammy and leave when the time came without issue too" Robin snapped. "But somehow we're missing a teenage prodigy."

"I'm sorry" he replied. "What happened to Kevin Tran was unfortunate."

"You condescending sack of shit" Robin hissed shaking her head.

"I know I've done horrible things" Gadreel confessed. "But I also know where Metatron is. I know everything. I know the bombers. They were his agents, not yours. You don't trust me, fine. I understand. I've...made mistakes. But haven't you? Haven't we all? At least give me a chance."

The four exchanged looks, trying to get a read on how the others had taken this. They were so busy with this, none had realized Dean had picked up the first blade.

He lunged at Gadreel with a grunt, slashing the blade across his chest. Gadreel fell to the ground, clutching his wound.

This perhaps should have concerned them more than it did. But Sam and Cas were both holding one of Dean's arms attempting to quash his rage as he snorted and fought against them in an animalistic manner. While his eyes didn't go black like hers, Robin recognized the darkness in Dean's eyes. She walked over to him hoping he would make eye contact with her.

She ignored Sam and Castiel's attempts to protect her from his state. When Dean looked past her and actually backhanded her in his flailing, she'd had enough. She placed a hand on his forehead, "requiem" she said, sending Dean into a deep sleep. Sam and Cas carried him to a nearby chair and set him down.

"This is getting out of hand" Sam sighed as they stood upright.

"And it will only get worse" Castiel sighed. "He can't control it."

"Why not" Robin asked? "We thought Cain was dead and he's had it for over 100,000 years."

"Dean doesn't have 100,000 years to figure it out" Sam replied.

"Maybe he doesn't need it." 

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