Happy Birthday Leafy~!

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Firey's P.O.V:

Me and my fellow Losers! set up the backyard for a special party for Leafy. Clock and Eggy are putting up decorations, Coiny and Pin prepared food in the kitchen, Needle was stuffing a pinata with candy, Cake put the presents on one of the tables and the one and only Loser organizes the games and activities. Currently Leafy is being kept busy by the Have Cots so this party can be a surprise. 

*knock knock* 

Eggy: Who would that be?

Firey: Oh It's Leafy's club BEEP. Hey guys, glad you could make it.

David: Aww seriously?

Cloudy: It's nice to be here too.

Nickel: Yeah whatever, I'm mostly here for cake.

Cake: Aww Nickel I'm flattered.

Firey: Oh, you're new...

Baseball: Yeah, Baseball's the name.

Firey: Firey.

Woody: Whaa, wah?

Cake: Yup, you put your presents here.

Baseball: Wait, we had to bring a present..?

Needle: I mean.. yeah? This is a birthday party.

Baseball: Right right, uuhhh... Be right back!

Baseball immediately books it outside somewhere leaving us in a bit of an awkward moment.

Nickel: *snirk*  Classic Baseball...

Firey: Well then... let's hope he can come back with something in time, The Have Cots are supposed to bring Leafy back here in at least 10 minuets.

Firey Jr then comes outside with his new Nintendo Switch.

Firey: Hey son, you get your present for Mommy ready?

Firey Jr: I'm making it right now.

I look over him to see him playing Mario Maker.

Firey: Uh-huh...

Firey: I'm not even 20 yet and already this kid is making me feel like a boomer or something.

Cloudy: Wait until you're actually an adult and he's in his early teens.

???: *squeak*

Firey: Oh- Hi Rocky, didn't see you there.

Pin and Coiny suddenly swing the backyard door open running in.

Pin: The Have Cots and Leafy are here! Get into position!

Clock: Already!? Alright team you heard the lady, go go go!

Normal P.O.V:

Everyone rushes about for a bit until they're in a good position while The Have Cots come in shushing the others as Ruby leads a blindfolded Leafy into the yard.

Ruby: That's it that's it, keep coming this way.

Leafy: Umm Ruby? Ow-!

Ruby: Oh yeah watch out for that door, just keep following the sweet high formant sound of my voice... Alright stop right there and open your eyes!

Leafy: Uh, they are open Ruby.

Lollipop: She means take off the blindfold Leafy.

Leafy: Oh.

Right when she removes the blindfold she's met with the sight of her friends setting off party poppers and cheering to her.

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!

Bubble: Happy Birthday Leafy!

Cake: Happy Birthday!

Teardrop: *blows a party favor*

As everyone said their happy birthdays to her, Leafy's tail rapidly wagged with the upmost joy.


Needle: Well of course, you're our friend silly.

Eggy: We've got plenty of games to play, how about Tic-Tac-Toe?

Leafy: OH YEAH!

Pin: Well I should get back to work on decorating that cake, you guys have fun.

Pin heads back into the kitchen while the others pretty had their own fun time. Eggy & Leafy played Tic-Tac-Toe, Cake and Loser shared a barbecue meal together (while Ruby fawned over the gayness emitting from them), Teardrop pulls out her typewriter making a comic somehow with Clock and Needle look over her shoulder amazed. 

Balloony tries to keep Gelatin (and Coiny apparently) away from the plastic forks, Cloudy also finds a snack for Rocky.

Cloudy: How about some popcorn? It's white cheddar. ^u^

Rocky: Ohm- *chews then swallow* 

Rocky & Cloudy: ....

Rocky: *happy squeak* 

Cloudy: Phew good. 

Firey: Hey Cloudy I've been curious about this for a while but... why does Rocky vomit so much?

Cloudy: Oh. Well, after officially adopting him we learned that he has an eating disorder with a bad case of acid reflux to boot. Balloony and I work pretty hard to find foods that Rocky can properly stomach.

Firey: Oh, poor little fella.

Leafy: Yes, I win again!

Eggy: Woah, that's the 72nd win in a row! How are you so good at Tic-Tac-Toe?

Leafy: I like to think I have a bit of a gift with the game.


Everyone: YEAH!

Loser and Firey throw a rope over a tree branch and pull the pinata high up, while that's done Leafy is given a blindfold and a baseball bat.

Bubble: Um, I think I'll stand back here.

Everyone tries to couch Leafy to the pinata while Gelatin and Nickel occasionally pull it up with the rope avoiding Leafy's swing until she out of swiftly leaps into the air and knocks the pinata off the branch and continues to bash it.

Everyone: Oooh! 

Needle: Leafy Leafy Leafy you can stop now, you got it! *laugh*

Leafy: I- I did?

Needle: Yes!

Leafy: Oh.

Leafy pulls up her blindfold seeing the broken in half pinata and casually tosses the bat behind her, however Baseball comes back through the gate and gets spooked by the metal bat flying over him.


He runs blindly in a straight line trips and accidentally falls flat onto Leafy in the process.

Leafy: Huh-?


Gelatin: Oooooh that's gotta hurt...

Coiny: *laughing* Oh! Your buddy sure knows how to make an entrance Nickel. *laughs*

Nickel: *short sigh* Yeah, he totally intends it half the time.  |:) Welcome back bubby.

Baseball: Oww... Hey guys, I didn't miss the opening of presents yet did I?

Clock: Nope, we just wrapped up beating the pinata. But of course your now laying on the birthday girl.

Baseball: I am..?

Leafy: *muffled yells* 

Baseball: OH DIAMOND FEILD! I am so sorry Leafy!

Leafy: *GAAASSP* It's quite alright... *cracks her back* I've dealt with worse...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Welp this special turned out to be longer than I thought, might as well make it 2 parts)

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