|| Nineteen ||

32 1 0

Sapnap woke up to the sun shining through a crack in his curtains and onto his face, he shielded his eyes with a groan and turned his head the other way

Hang on a minute, since when did my couch feel this warm?

He opened his eyes again and looked down

Oh great, i'm sleeping on top of Dream, how did this happ- never mind... he's still asleep and he's quite warm, it wouldn't hurt to just stay here for a bit longer...

He let his eyes flutter shut again, burying his head in the crook of Dream's neck and trying to fall asleep again


Dream had been awake for a long time, he saw Sapnap wake up and immediately close his eyes again, but he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from saying something or even just blushing when Sapnap just went back to sleep, he seemed pretty content to just lay there

Dream opened his eyes again when Sapnap hid his face, he waited until he was sure that he'd fallen asleep before grabbing his phone to check the time just like last night

Oh shit, we're gonna be late for school

He gently shook Sapnap awake "Huh? What?" Sapnap grumbled as he rubbed his eyes "We've got to get ready for school, I need to go home and changed" Dream replied, Sapnap just shook his head "Nahhhh I don't wanna"

"You have to, I have to"

"No" He said simply as he laid his head on Dream's chest again and closed his eyes

"It's Friday, the last day of the week then you can come home and sleep, just get uuuuuup"

"N o, i'm comfortable right here so i'm staying right here"

"Oh whatever, do what you want, can you get off of me at least?"

"Nope, you're staying here as well" he yawned, Dream rested his head on the arm of the couch with a sigh "Fine"


Dream just laid there on the couch while scrolling on his phone, he'd been on youtube, tiktok, twitter and reddit for hours, it was one PM and Sapnap still hadn't woken back up

How much sleep does he need? Does he just stay awake all week then recharge at the end like some sort of robot?? Is it just because he hit his head???

"How long do you sleep!? This is just ridiculous" He muttered under his breath, he heard Sapnap snicker quietly "You ARE awake! How long have you been up!?" He replied

Sapnap propped his head up on his hand "Maybe ten minutes? Not that long though"

"Wow, i've been decieved, i've been bamboozled, i've been tricked into becoming a fucking pillow"

Sapnap just laughed harder "Well, i'm pretty sure that I didn't fall asleep like this so it's your fault"

"I- okay yeah that might be somewhat true" Dream said "So what are we supposed to do now? We can't just show up at school this late, we'll get detention or something

"Well, i'm gonna go shower and change clothes because I don't want to smell like shit" Sapnap replied "Can I... can I use your shower after you, please" Dream asked "Yeah sure, I bet i've got some clothes big enough for you around here somewhere as well"

"I'm not that much taller than you!? What do you mean 'big enough for you'?"

"It's a huge fucking gap, like, five to seven inches, you've got broader shoulders and most of my clothes fit me exactly so... yeah, I might have some stuff laying around"

"You have a SLIGHT point there"


They both showered and changed before deciding to go over Dream's house, he knew that his mother was at work so they had the house to themselves for a while... to do wholesome things, obviously

They hadn't actually left yet, they were sitting on the couch while Sapnap tried to fix the laces on his black converse since they were tangled really badly "Oh my fucking god, this is so stupid, i'm just leaving like this" He groaned and stood up, flicking a piece of lint off his ripped black jeans, they were his favourite jeans since he could wear fishnets under them, he wasn't at the moment because Dream told him that his mother would probably flip the fuck out if he, a man, was wearing fishnets since they were perceived as a typically feminine thing. Sapnap grabbed his keys while Dream put his phone away and stood up, they made their way out to Sapnap's car "Can I drive?" Dream asked hopefully "Why?"

"I like it, plus, you don't know where I live"

"Oh yeah... alright" Sapnap tossed him the keys and walked round to the passengers side, getting into the car as he waited for Dream to start it up


Dream pulled up at his house, (well, his mother's house) parking Sapnap's car just behind his before switching the engine off and getting out, he locked the car then gave the keys back to Sapnap "Welcome to the dump, one of our neighbours burns their trash so it doesn't smell the best around here but our house his actually pretty clean"

Sapnap gasped "You've got one of the paper trees outside of your house! I forgot what they're called but the leaves are really thin, it's like they're made of paper" Dream laughed "Yeah, I used to collect the leaves when I was younger, I would colour them with crayons or felt tips and glue them to bits of actual paper like some sort of cheap mosaic"

"That's kinda cute, I can just imagine little you laying on your stomach while kicking your legs up and down and drawing on leaves"

"I'm pretty sure that I have a picture of me holding one of my little bits of art up, i'll try and find it when we actually go inside"

Sapnap laughed as they finally walked inside, he sat down on Dream's bed while Dream searched around for the picture, he finally found it in a box of photos that he was supposed to put in a photo album "AHA, here it is" He handed it to Sapnap

"AWWWW you had a little tooth gap, you looked adorable as a kid! When I was younger, my eyes were almost always covered by my hair so most of my pictures are stupidly funny, you could see up to my nose but my eyes were just gone"

Dream started laughing "I'm gonna go get something for us to eat, i'll be right back" He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of salt 'n' vinegar chips, pouring them into two seperate bowls before walking back to his bedroom

"Dream..." Sapnap said quietly

"Uhh yeah? What's up" He responded

Sapnap held something out "Explain"

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