|| Twenty three ||

31 2 0

CW: Alcohol

A/N Double update cause' i'm bored

They all sat in George's living room, Sapnap, Karl and George were on the couch while Dream and Quackity were on the armchairs "So... does anyone wanna play chess?" Sapnap suggested "Chess? Why chess of all games?" George said

"Because I like chess, George, don't be a spoil sport" Sapnap snapped back

"Sure, i'll play chess, I have almost no idea how to play though" Karl said "Well, i'll teach you" Sapnap replied "It's a pretty simple game"

They played chess for about an hour before Sapnap started to get bored, suddenly, he got an idea

"George, do you have any alcohol?"

"No, i'm not old enough to buy it and I don't drink in general"

"Are you sure that your parents don't have any in this house? I have a funny idea"

"I guess I could check" George said reluctantly, getting up and heading to the kitchen, he came back a few minutes later with a bottle of wine "This is all we have, there might be one or two cans of beer out in the minifridge but I don't wanna go out to the garage"

"It's perfect, i'll go grab the beer if we need it but this should be okay" Sapnap replied "Karl, there's a new rule, every time you lose a piece you have to take a sip"

"So we're gonna play drunk chess? This is only an advantage for me, I don't get drunk very easily" Karl said "I can play chess well regardless" Sapnap said, standing up to go get two cups for them

He sat back down with the cups, filling them both halfway with the wine before setting the bottle aside "Alright, i'll be nice, you can start this time"


Sapnap and Karl played five rounds of chess, Sapnap won the first three, Karl won the last two, mostly because Sapnap forgot they were playing chess for a moment and threw the whole game with one move. Sapnap played a round with Quackity and a few with Dream, winning most of those but he was feeling a bit tipsy now

"I think... that's enough chess for now" He said slowly, picking up the empty wine bottle and putting it on the bench "We should do something else"

Karl set down his glass "When did water taste this good?"

"Karl that's not water, that's my fanta"

"Oh, right, I think I grabbed the wrong cup" He put the glass of fanta down and picked up his cup of water, taking a long sip "I'm still right, water tastes really good"

"Water is absolutely amazing" Sapnap agreed, grabbing his glass of fanta and drinking it all in one go "But this is better because it's full of sugar and sugar is very addictive"

"True, true" Karl said "What if we put sugar in the water though?"

Sapnap gasped "That's such a good idea, more people will drink it if it has sugar in it"

"Are they okay?" Dream whispered to George "Definitely not, then again, they never are" George whispered back "Should we do something about it?" Dream asked "Probably just get them to sit down and drink some cold water, maybe open the windows for some fresh air" George replied, Dream nodded and stood up, opening a few of the windows

He grabbed Karl and Sapnap by the wrists and led them over to the couch, getting them to sit down again "Dreeeeeeeam why did you open the winbo-windows? It's so cold in here now" Sapnap grumbled, folding his arms and leaning against the back of the couch "So that you sober up" Dream replied, Sapnap grabbed his arm and tugged at his hoodie

"Really?" He asked, Sapnap nodded, Dream reluctantly pulled his hoodie off and handed it over to Sapnap "Thank you" He said, slipping it on over his head "It's soft"

"I know, that's why I bought it- Karl what are you doing?"

"Trying to find my phone" He replied calmly

"Karl... what are you using as a light" George said

"My phone, obviously, what else would I be using?"

"Say that again but slower" Quackity laughed "My phone, obviou- OHHHHH" Karl said, looking at his phone "Don't worry guys, I found it"

Dream sat back down on the armchair next to the couch, grabbing his own phone out of his pocket to check the time, Sapnap stood up and walked over to him, sitting down on his lap and wrapping his legs around his waist "Huh? Sap what are you doi-"

He was cut off by Sapnap abruptly cupping his chin in his hands and kissing him, his eyes widened but he didn't pull away, he just put his phone down and wrapped his arms around Sapnap, they broke apart for air moments later "You have no idea how long i've been waiting to do that" Sapnap laughed breathlessly

"Wha- but- huh!?" Dream stuttered out, he felt his face heating up

"How thickheaded are you? How many hints do I have to drop you idiot, I like you"

"I... I like you too"

Sapnap wrapped his arms around Dream's shoulders and kissed him again, a smile firmly planted on his face "Alright lovebirds, there are other people in the room" Quackity groaned, they broke apart sheepishly

Karl kicked him "Shut up! Leave them alone, just because you're sad and alone doesn't mean you should interrupt people"

Quackity punched his shoulder "I'm not sad... just alone, very, very alone"

"Imagine being either of those things" Sapnap laughed "I will get up and punch you as well" Quackity threatened "Try me, bitch" Sapnap sneered

Quackity stood up and Sapnap went to stand as well, Dream grabbed him by the waist "Not this again, please, just sit down and get along with each other" Sapnap sat down again, folding his legs and leaning back against Dream, Quackity reluctantly returned to his seat

"Can we have a... a sleepover? I don't think i'm allowed to drive home like this" Sapnap yawned "Feel free to stay here, i'll be sleeping in my room but there are some spare blankets in the hallway cupboard" George replied "Just don't make a huge mess in here please"

"WOOO SLUMBER PARTY!" Karl cheered

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