#11 - Ross Lynch, Rocky Lynch & Ellington Ratliff

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"Ambulance 47, Truck 53. Road accident on Freeway 76"

I placed down my sandwich, standing up. I grunted and Kayleigh looked to me. "You good?"

"I'll be fine" I shook my legs before racing to the truck where they boys were already. I put on my protective gear and hopped on.

"Wonder what happened now- yes a road accident but was it drink driving or something" Daniel commented.

"We'll find out" I sighed.

I've been working 3 shifts straight and slept for only two hours before being called back. My legs are aching insanely, and my head pounds.

"Oh crap" Hunter- who I believe was driving to the scene- commented. I looked out of the window.

The front of a car was damaged, but the one metres away was worse. "Tell me nobody was in there"

Swiftly, I jumped out of the fire truck towards the situation. Madison caught up with me and we kneeled down by the car. "Anybody up?"

"Yeah" a voice mumbled, a guy with long brown hair.

"Tell me how you feel buddy" I said, checking his friend's pulse. Weak.

"I don't feel my left arm at all. And my legs are killing me" he said with a laboured breath. "But- my brother's at the back and he isn't answering me"

"I'm fine"

The other guy who's pulse I checked, moved slightly, groaning in obvious pain. I slid over to the back seats to the other one who had just spoke.

"Tell me how you're feeling"

"Everything is spinning and dotty- where am I?" He said, trying to move.

"Don't move! You might injure yourself further. How long have you guys been here?"

"A good 30 minutes" the boy at the front answered me. The Blondie at the back started to breathe sharply.

"Hey, hey" I said calmly, grabbing his hand, currently filled with cuts and grazes. "Tell me your name"

"I'm Ross"

"Well Ross, I'm Hayden. And I don't lie, okay" I said. "We're going to get you out"

"Am I going to die?" He closed his eyes.

I sighed. Things weren't looking too happy right now, but, we could have some sort of miracle. "No. How old are you, Ross?"


"Awesome, me too" I slid further into the car to check his eyes, that they followed light. They did, momentarily. "Can you see anything?"

"Just about.." He started to tremble vigorously. I backed away to see a thin stream of blood trickle from his ear down to his jawline.

"Let's get these guys out of here!" I stood up and grabbed the first sledgehammer I saw. "Close your eyes!"

I smashed the windshield open, allowing access to the two guys at the front who were now on their way to hospital. The real deal was getting Ross out of the back.

With help from a different firehouse, we cut the doors out, allowing Madison and I to get him out.

Now that I'm checking, his eyes are amazing. But I didn't like the fact they kept rolling back. I squeezed his arm and he looked at me confused. "Hey. The toughest bit is done, stay with me- where were you guys going?"

"Concert" he said weakly.

"Nice, which band?" I asked as I strapped him down to the back board.

"Fall Out Boy"

"Ooh, awesome. I like them too" I said. "You're good to go, good luck dude"

He looked at me, and for the few minutes that we've known each other, it was the first time he properly focused on something. "Thank you...Hayden. I owe you my life"

"Aww" I moved his hair out of his face. "Just doing my job. Off you go now- all yours Maddie"

"Someone's got a soft spot for blondies" she said as she walked by. I winked. "Don't blame you, he's adorable"

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