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Drained, tired, gone
Wish I, could just be
born again

In a different world
In a different place
Where things never ever change
And I get to pick the ending
And I get to be selfish
And I get to have fun
And I get to love who I want
No judgement
No pain
Just bliss

Oh I wish it could've been this way
Cause there's this weight all fucking day
That never leaves
Never goes away
I can't be myself
I'm not allowed to stay
I'm forced into a box
With no way home
Every time I speak they laugh and say it's a joke
No I won't be ignored
No I won't be silent
I will try in this world
Cause it's the only one I've got
Even though I dream that it's not

These cuts and lines on my waist
Tell the same fucking story
That you won't listen to
Because you're too stuck in your own fucking head

I've got the voices in my head telling me I should be dead because of you.

But no matter how hard I try to tell you, you won't fucking listen.

I love you all because that's who God wants me to be
But it's not my fault I feel all this anger in me

I can already feel the pain ahead
Ready to slash me with comments on how I present myself to be
I'm not allowed to be myself
And the ones I love most I fear will say:
"You're lucky you're saved because if not,
you could've gone to hell today."

Oh why can't I just be me?
Why can't you all be who God wanted you to be?
It's doesn't matter how you identify
Who you love
Love is love, because God loves you all

So please just reconsider
Because your light is thinner
For if you opened your eyes
You would see the sky
You would see love
You would see freedom
You would see joy
Oh please have some faith left in all of us
We can all make it if we try
We are all we have

So why do we reject one another?

I know.
Your light is thin.
Your eyes are closed.
And you're too fucking stubborn,
to take this poem anything more,

than a joke.

𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ