Chapter 7: Bellamy

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What am I doing up here in his room, I know better than this. I'm better than this. But then I see his goofy smile and how close he is to me and I can't help myself. I lean in and kiss him. His soft lips respond and his hands move to either side of my face as he pulls me closer.

'Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm kissing Henry Turner! A Hockey player! Has the world fallen apart?' I think as I quickly pull away and stand up. His smile quickly turns to confusion as I grab my drawing and quickly run out of his room and down the stairs.

'A hockey player! A hockey player! Henry Turner? What am I thinking' I think obviously still in shock.

Henry stands up and pokes his head out of his door with one hand hanging on the frame, "Bellamy?"

"I'm sorry" I mouth to Henry as I run over to Lola.

Lola catches me in my panic and grabs me to stabilize me, "Bells, what's wrong? Are you having another panic attack? Do you have your medication?"

"I'm fine..." I say almost breathless

"Well that's a lie. I can't find Stassie, we'll just have to leave without her" Lola says as she wraps my arm around me and we walk out of the party.

"But what about Robbie, it's his birthday" I say as she carries me to the door.

"Don't worry about it Bells, we had some alone time for his birthday surprise" Lola says with a smirk


Lola stole my keys and is now trying to break into my dorm but is failing miserably. Emma Finning my roommate heard the rumbling outside the door and went to check on it and saw me being carried by Lola.

"What happened? Alcohol poisoning? Roofie? Panic attack?" Emma panicked as she brought me over to my desk.

"Panic attack I think" Lola said lowering me onto the seat.

"What happened, Bells? You haven't had one since parents day" Emma said, passing me a water.

I take a big gulp and then say, "My parents are going to kill me and I just hurt the sweetest boys feelings"

"Omg, who?" Lola says, grabbing my medication.

"Henry. I kissed him" I say putting my head in my hands.

"Bells, your parents don't control your life anymore. If you want to date a Hockey player, date a hockey player..." Emma says

"Especially Henry, he's a cutie" Lola says

"But I ruined it with him, there is no way he'll give me a second chance after I ran away like that" I say burying myself under a blanket.

"Of course he will," Emma says, trying to comfort me.

"He will, won't he?" Emma whispers to Lola

"I sure hope so" Lola whispers back

"You know I can hear you right?" I say peeking out of the blanket.

"Oopsies," Lola says as she empties my belongings onto my desk.

"Um what's this?" Emma says picking up Henrys drawing

"Henry made it" I say, trying to get it back from her.

Lola grabs it and turns it around and her face lights up, "Oh look Bells, he wrote his number! Maybe we should send him a little text"

"No, don't you dare!" I say trying to grab my phone out of Lola's hand.

Lola (As Me): Hey Henry, this is Lola on Bellamy's phone. She is really sorry for running out on you

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