02 A Quarrel♡

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MC woke up to the sound of her mother knocking on the door. Her mom opened the door and said softly but stern " MC, wake up. How could you sleep in? You're going to be late." " Fine." " Your breakfast is cold." She then closed the door.

MC came downstairs in her uniform and sat to eat breakfast with her mom. There was eggs on toast with some fruit, and a little protein drink on the side. " Breakfast is essential. You shouldn't skip it." Her mom said. MC didn't say anything. She kept eating her breakfast. " Stop staying up so late. A regular schedule is better for your health." she complained. " Slacking can ruin your future at this age. You're old enough to know you should be focused on schooling." Still, MC said nothing. " And look at you. That shirt is too big for you and you look like an unkempt tomboy." MC was finally done eating and went to school.

Time Skip...

MC was in class on her phone and trying not to get caught for the 3rd time. Then the teacher said " MC! Stand up!" MC stood up from her desk and the teacher walked over to her. The classmates were whispering and laughing to themselves. " How many times do I have to tell you to get your act together? I expect students to focus and learn in class. If you want to draw go home!" The teacher scolded. He then snatched a paper hand drawn by MC but she grabbed on to it. She was trying to get it back but it ripped. She worked on it for 15 minutes and that's the thanks she gets for drawing.

" Your daughter's performance is dropping pretty severely. She doesn't pay attention in class all she does is draw." The teacher complained to MC's mother. " I'm so sorry. I'll give her a good talking to. MC will do better."

* Ugh!*

* I want to leave*

* His class is so boring*

* This is miserable*

* I don't want to stay here.*

* I don't like going to class*

Time Skip at Home...

MC and her mom were eating dinner together with a tense silence in the air. Then her mom finally spoke up. " Is something the matter? You can tell me. " Her mom said, trying to get her to speak. But it didn't work and MC just kept quiet. " I am your mother. You can tell me anything." " I hate them. I don't want to go to school anymore." "..." MC kept eating. " And what are you going to do if you stop going to school? Your teacher is right. You lack focus. You have to think about your future." " I want to do many other things, like art." MC loved art as much as anyone, but her mother just didn't understand. " I knew something was wrong when you started doing badly in school. You've been drawing outlandish things." " YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" MC snapped. " And what do you know? I asked for a shift transfer at work to take care of you, and this is how you repay me?!" So I'm not good enough?!" MC was so angry that she felt like flipping the table. " Have you gone mad? I'm your mother!" Mom yelled. " I don't want to go to school anymore!" " Fine! Stop going then! It's not my future on the line! MC felt tears in her eyes. She thought that no one would ever understand her. She stood up from the table and walked to the door to leave. She heard her mother yell, " Don't think of coming back if you leave now!" MC slammed the door and ran down the street almost crying scaring a nearby cat. 

MC finally reached an unoccupied alleyway and caught her breath. She then started sobbing. MC started letting all her feelings out with big tears coming down her eyes blurring her vision. The tears dropped down onto the cement floor. MC felt like she was alone in this world.

" Meow!" MC heard. The sound came from a pile of trash and a box. She walked over and moved it out of the way to find a box that meowed again. MC reluctantly opened to find a beautiful orange cat inside. MC picked up the cat and put it close to her face. The cat licked her nose a little. " Are you all alone too?" " Yeah." the cat said. MC got scared and sort threw the cat and closed her eyes. She opened them a little and saw the cat transform into a human boy with same orange hair color! When she finally saw him clearly, the cat boy was blushing a little when a soda can fell on his head. " Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said. " Where did you even come from?!" MC said both confused and a little shook. " " No! I'm the cat from before!" " Cat?!" MC was so confused that her head hurt a little. The cat boy stood up and held out his hand to her. " Please calm down. Here, get up and I'll explain everything." MC hesitated for a bit thinking if she could trust him or not. But, she took his hand anyway. It was kind of soft and smooth like a cat's fur.

They both sat down on the curb. " I'm the stray cat you met earlier. You've discovered my secret." " That doesn't really explain everything." The boy had an apologetic smile and said "Ah, it's difficult for me to explain too. I don't know how you managed to see me become a human." " Then why did you lick me?" " I'm sorry. I saw you crying and you seemed really upset, I just tried to cheer you up. Are you a stray like me? Is that why you're outside? " I have a home... I don't want to go back though." MC said putting her head down. " A home sounds nice though. What's it like having parents?" He asked. " I live with my mom. It's nice sometimes, and I feel happy and safe. But other times, it feels like I'm living with a stranger who doesn't know me. It gets lonely." MC remembered the argument and she felt like crying again. " I get it. It's just like how I like to read comics and watch movies like a human! But the other strays think I'm weird. Everyone's more concerned about finding enough to eat, so it gets lonely sometimes too." The boy explains. " Are you actually a cat or a human?" MC asked. " I could transform between both forms ever since I was little. And I can't be picky as a stray, so I eat anything I can get." " D-Does that mean your naked when you turn back into a cat?" He scratched the back of his head and blushed. MC smiled a little from his reaction. " I can't tell if your laughing or crying..." " So what's your name?" She asked. " My name...? I-I don't know." The boy stammered. " Huh?" " I-I'm sorry..." " You don't have to apologize!" MC said. " How about I give you a name instead? What do you think about Oliver?" " Oliver! Is that my name? Do I really have a name now?!" Oliver replied excited looking a ll smiley. " Does that make you my master?" " What's this about masters? Just call me MC!" MC said with a little smile. " I... thank you, MC! Oh, isn't it too late for you to be out here? Your mom must be worried sick. You should go home." Oliver did have a point. The sun was setting fast into the horizon. " Hmph. As if she's gonna worry about me!" MC said with an angry pout. " How about this, you come back with me and I'll see if I can find you some food." MC suggested. Oliver purred and nodded. MC stood up and held out her hand. Oliver looked up and blushed. He hesitated to take her hand, and finally took it. * She's kind of soft.* Oliver thought. Then they walked home together with Oliver still holding onto MC's hand...

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