Fairy tail high Part 25

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It got dark and it started to rain. Wendy, Erza and Carla was running for shelter. they found a cave and sat down. We shall wait here until the rain stops. Erza said. And how long is that Erza? Wendy was cold and wet. she was shivering really bad and she had the sniffles. Erza wrapped the Pick-nick blanket around her and Carla started making warm drinks for them.

I wonder if we need to stay here for the night. Erza said not expecting anyone to hear her, but everyone heard. Wendy started wining. But Erza, it's so cold out here. she started. I know, i don't like it here either. Erza said looking at the rain. And the flower crowns are wet as well. Carla said drying them off. The rain just got worse and Lucy and Juvia was still talking. ( Aries already went back to the spirit world) I wonder how the boys are doing. Lucy said after a while.

(On the vacation) Everyone was drinking at warm drinks and talking. They was on a mountain when a blizzard came and now they have set up a camp. Natsu was eating flames trying to shake of the heat. Happy was on Gray's lap cuddling him for warmth. Gray was cuddling him back. Gajeel was cold but he was calm about it. The flame kept going out, but Natsu had to use his energy to keep the flame alive.

The snow stopped a bit and it got a bit warmer. Natsu stopped eating and put more heat in the camp-fire. Happy and Gray eased the grip and started moving around for heat. It got darker and Natsu went to sleep on the spot. Happy fell asleep leaning against him. Gray just went to sleep where he was and so did Gajeel. Alzack was looking at a photo album, and Elfman, Luxas, Macao, Max and Wakaba was talking. They all went to bed after it got dark.

At the academy the weather just got worse. Lucy couldn't get to sleep with all the thunder. Erza, Wendy and Carla was still trapped in the cave. Every flash off lighting make them jump. (and there was a lot) The wind was really fast and hard, and it was as cold as ever. I'm scared. Wendy said hugging Carla. Don't worry child, it will stop soon. Carla said even she didn't think it would. No. Erza said looking at the rain. It was pounding off the ground really loudly. I think we're trapped in here for the night. That just made Wendy worry and started hugging Carla tighter.

Lucy just give up on sleeping then she realized Erza, Carla and Wendy was gone. Wha- Are You Kidding Me!? she jumped out of her bed, grabbed her coat and ran down the hall. Just as she was about to turn a corner she bumped into Mirajane. Ow. She said rubbing her face. What's wrong Lucy? you seem to be in a rush. Um... aren't you with the boys. Lucy asked, pointing. Mira shook her head. Oh, um, ok. Lucy was looking for words. So, what's the rush? Mira asked again. Oh yeah, have you seen Erza, Wendy or Carla. Lucy asked quickly. Mira looked confused. I saw them all go to the out earlier, Their not back yet? She asked still trying to think.

Did you see where they went? Lucy asked quickly. I think they were heading for the meadow, but I thought they would have made it back in time. I hope they are all right. Lucy looked worried. i'm sure their fine, there's a cave near he meadow, they probably got caught up in the rain and stopped there. I hope you're right Mira. Mira nodded. It's ok Lucy, you go back to sleep and i'll get them. Mira said while grabbing her coat. Whoa, you sure? Lucy sounded surprised. Of course. Mira smiled. She pulled on her coat and headed out.

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