Saving You: Chapter 15.

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The year went fast and Christmas made its way round quicker than Jane had expected. They had planned out their Christmas day by waking up and having all of their family over but then Maura decided to make everyone go and stay at her mothers Christmas eve so when they wake up everyone was together.


"Jane Baby" Maura whispered as she stroked the bridge of Jane's nose repeatedly.

"hmm.." Jane grunted.

"Baby it's Christmas" Maura smiled at Jane as her eyes suddenly shot open.

"Ahh! Christmas!" Jane yelled at the top of her voice.

"Shhh!" Maura laughed.

"What?" Jane smiled under the sheets at Maura.

"I thought i could give you your present here..Before going downstairs." Maura teaser.

"That sounds..Tempting." Jane smiled.

Maura picked up Jane's hand and placed it on her breast and squeezed Jane's hand causing Jane's hand to tighten on her breast.

"Does that help you decide?" Maura whispered.

"Oh yes!" Jane said back then pulled the sheet over her and Maura's head as they shared a long passionate kiss.

Jane ran her tongue along Maura's bottom lip when Maura opened her mouth she explored inside. Maura let out a sigh and Jane squeezed her hand and pushed into her chest.

Jane rolled over on top of Maura and began running her hand down Maura's body and under her top until Maura stopped her.

"Hey this is supposed to be your present" Maura said as she rolled Jane off and straddled her still under the sheets.

Jane lifted her hands above her head and closed her eyes as Maura's hands wandered all over her body pulling her boy boxers down and sliding them off her ankles. Then gripped Jane's thigh and pushed her legs further apart. Maura pushed her pubic bone into Jane's centre causing Jane to moan.

"You like that?" Maura said breathlessly.

"mhmmm" Jane said as she squinted her eyes closed and bit her lip trying to calm her self down so she don't let out a loud moan.

Maura started to push into Jane harder as she kissed her neck and her Jaw line.

"Uh...Maur..." Jane sighed as her abs tighten and clenches her fists.

Maura moved her hand down to Jane's already wet center and started to pleasure her. She knew Jane would scream as soon as she touched her so she held a hand over Jane's mouth and then began pushing her hand into Jane's centre.

"Uh...! Jheeze! Uh!" Jane yelled through Maura's hand.

"Baby shh!" Maura laughed.

Jane's whole body jerked as Maura began pushing her self harder against her.

"Maur..." Jane sighed as Maura slowly stopped and layed next to Jane.

"Merry Christmas baby" Maura smiled as she kissed her girlfriend then stood up and put one of Jane's shirts on and a pair of grey joggers.

"Come on. I want pressies!" Maura smiled as she tugged at the cover Jane was under.

"Alright Alright! Jheeze! I hate to think what Christmas will be like when we have a child too." Jane said sitting up and pulling some baggy joggers on and her vest.

Maura paused as looked at Jane.

"You...You want kids with me?" Maura asked.

"Well of course i do. I want a family with you baby" Jane smiled as she wrapped her arms around Maura's waist and kissed her jaw line.

"How did i get so lucky?" Maura sighed leaning her head into Jane's shoulder.

"You became my biology teacher." Jane smiled.

"Come on..They'll moan at us if we dont hurry up" Jane said pulling Maura towards the bedroom door.

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